الميتاقص والعنونة الداخلية كتقنية تجريبية، قصة صدر حديثًا لأحمد بوزفور نموذجا



القصة، التجريب، الميتا سرد، العنونة الداخلية، الميتاقص، الميتاروائي، السارد، التعالق النصي


Our purpose in this study is to analyze and approach the Moroccan short story of the Moroccan writer Ahmed Bouzfour, through his story "Newly Released",which falls within the collection of the story "Hunter of the Ostrich" (1993), in which the writer raised issues related to the creative manifestation of experimentation in the story at the form level, Through the structure of the story and the internal title as an experimental technique, the content is manifested in his investment of different literary races in the writing process within, And then there's the meta narrative, whose role is to raise questions about the relationship between what's real and fictional in the story, In addition to the author's work talk about both the story and the criticism self-determination ", considering himself neutral without neglecting himself at the modern level, By invoking his opinions about his storytelling work, then moving on to talk about other people's opinions about that literary sex. (The novel), as stated in the story "Newly Released", reveals the methods invested by a minor in the story to contribute to opening up new horizons for literary theoretical and critical practice.



How to Cite

اوشهوش ح. . (2024). الميتاقص والعنونة الداخلية كتقنية تجريبية، قصة صدر حديثًا لأحمد بوزفور نموذجا. Faculty of Languages Journal-Tripoli-Libye, 1(29), 18–1. Retrieved from http://uot.edu.ly/journals/index.php/flj/article/view/1060