Evaluating the Fidelity and Accuracy of ChatGPT 4 and Google Translate in Translating Legal English Documents into Arabic – and Vice Versa



Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer (ChatGPT4), Google Translate, Legal Documents, Artificial intelligence (AI)


Evaluating the fidelity and accuracy of translations, especially in legal English documents into Arabic and vice versa, requires a detailed analysis considering multiple dimensions such as linguistic precision, cultural nuance, legal terminology accuracy, and preserving the document's original intent. ChatGPT4 and Google Translate offer valuable services in this domain. However, their effectiveness can vary based on the complexity of the text, the specificity of legal terms, and the nuances of both the source and target languages. To achieve the goal of this study, the researcher selected five deferent samples legal documents to translate them via ChatGPT4 and Google Translate, then comparing their translations to each to see which of the is more accurate than the other. The study concluded that… Google Translate excels at translating specialized terms due to its vast and updated data, making it effective in fields like law. ChatGPT offers broader conversational ability but may not match specialized translation accuracy




How to Cite

Amna Ben Zayed. (2024). Evaluating the Fidelity and Accuracy of ChatGPT 4 and Google Translate in Translating Legal English Documents into Arabic – and Vice Versa. Faculty of Languages Journal-Tripoli-Libye, 1(29), 87–63. Retrieved from http://uot.edu.ly/journals/index.php/flj/article/view/1063