Sémantique et pragmatique des référents évolutifs dans Le conte oral amazigh des Ayt Wrayan (Moyen Atlas oriental, Maroc) : cas des avatars





Oral story, Changing identity, Ayt Warayn


This article examines the significance and pragmatic of evolutionary references in the Berber oral tale of Ayt Warayn (Eastern Mediterranean Atlas, Morocco). Changing identity affects the existential level, and also affects the linguistic level, especially with regard to the naming of references in evolutionary contexts and the concept of reference, in other words, the relationship of words to the world, and the concept of identity at the logical, philosophical and linguistic level, the function of identity in fictional stories, analysis of repetition and transformation of identities in two Amazigh oral tales from the Ayt Wrayan.


Corpus de base :

- Deux contes oraux Amazighs du Moyen Atlas :

Tanfust n- ḥemmu aḥrami

tanfust n-hina

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How to Cite

Jamal Alilouch, & Ahmed Bachnou. (2024). Sémantique et pragmatique des référents évolutifs dans Le conte oral amazigh des Ayt Wrayan (Moyen Atlas oriental, Maroc) : cas des avatars. Faculty of Languages Journal-Tripoli-Libya, 1(30). https://doi.org/10.56592/flj.v1i30.1464
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