تأثير نظام الحلب الثلاثي على إنتاجية الأبقار الحلوب

محتوى المقالة الرئيسي

عبدالمنعم الأمير
عبدالحفيظ الكاتب
صبري قربع


Thirty lactating holstein friesian cows were selected randomly at different stages of lactation (early, mid, and late). Cows were divided into two groups. The first group was milked twice a day (control) and the second group was milked three times a day.

The two groups were kept in a free stall area and were under the same feeding and management conditions for 45 days. Milk yield was recorded daily at each milking. Milk fat percentage was determined on milk samples collected once a week. At the early stage of lactation a significant increase (21%) in milk yield was observed for the three times milking group. However, milk yield of cows in mid and late stages of lactation was greater for the three times milking group by 4.5% and 7%, respectively, as compared to the two times milking group. The combined milk yield for the three stages of lactation showed that milk yield of the three times milking group was significantly higher by about 15% than the two times milking group. Fat% was 0.39% less in the three times milking group as compared to the two times milking group.

The results indicate a significant increase in milk yield when three times milking per day was performed on lactating cows. However, investigations are needed to determine the economic feasability of adopting such practice especially with large dairy herds.

تفاصيل المقالة

كيفية الاقتباس
الأمير A. A. ., الكاتب A., & قربع S. . (2023). تأثير نظام الحلب الثلاثي على إنتاجية الأبقار الحلوب . المجلة الليبية للعلوم الزراعية, 14(1). استرجع في من http://uot.edu.ly/journals/index.php/ljagric/article/view/382 (Original work published 7 أبريل، 2023)
السير الشخصية للمؤلفين

عبدالمنعم الأمير

قسم الإنتاج الحيواني - كلية الزراعة - جامعة الفاتح / ليبيا

عبدالحفيظ الكاتب

Animal Production Department - Faculty of Agriculture / University of Al-Fateh - Libya

صبري قربع

قسم الإنتاج الحيواني - كلية الزراعة - جامعة الفاتح - ليبيا