Notes on the Biology and Control of the Maize Shoot Fly Delia flavibasis Stein (Diptera, Anthomyiidae)

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Mostafa Kamal Ahmed


The life history, type of injury and feeding habits of the maize shoot fly, Delia flavibasis Stein are discussed. The adult fly is dark grey and the fullgrown larva is yellowish white. Larvae feed inside narrow' mines eaten at the base of folded maize leaves inside the whorl. Only one larva develops in each seedling. Pupation takes place between leaves or in soil. Injuries appear as narrow pale stripes on the third to the fifth or sixth leaves.

Phorate 10% and disulfoton 5% granules controlled this pest when used at 0.75 gr/hole and 1.5 gr/hole respectively. Disulfoton at the same dose reduced germination. But phorate at the mentioned dose and both insecticides at half doses showed no effect on the number of seedlings or emerging holes. None of the insecticides had any stimulating effect on the growth of plants. Only disulfoton 5% at 1.5 gr/hole reduced the height of maize seedlings.

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How to Cite
Ahmed, M. K. . (2023). Notes on the Biology and Control of the Maize Shoot Fly Delia flavibasis Stein (Diptera, Anthomyiidae). The Libyan Journal of Agriculture, 8(1). Retrieved from
Author Biography

Mostafa Kamal Ahmed

Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Alfateh, Tripoli, S.P.L.A.J.