Effect of different levels of phosphorus application on forage yield and yield components of disc medic, Medicago tornata cv. Swani

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The effect of five levels of phosphorus on yield and yield components of disc medic, Medicago tornata cv. Swani were studied in a field experiment which was conducted on the fine sandy textured soil of the Farm of the Faculty of Agriculture, Tripoli, Libya during 1983-84.

Plant height and fresh green weight per plant were not affected by the application of phosphorus whereas number of leaves per plant and forage yield/m were significantly affected by the phosphorus application. The fresh and dry forage yield increased as the phosphorus rate was increased from 0 to 44 Kg/ha., after which, in spite of increasing phosphorus rate to 88 kg/ha, no increase, but rather a decrease, in forage yield was ob-servad. The decrease was not significant in fresh green forage production. The maximum green forage (2124.50 gr/m) and dry forage (410 gr/m) yield was recorded by applying 44 Kg/ha of phosphorus. The treatment containing no phosphorus application gave the minimum fresh green forage (1571 gr) and dry forage (263 gr/m), respectively.

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How to Cite
KHAN, Z. H. . (2023). Effect of different levels of phosphorus application on forage yield and yield components of disc medic, Medicago tornata cv. Swani. The Libyan Journal of Agriculture, 12(1). Retrieved from http://uot.edu.ly/journals/index.php/ljagric/article/view/453
Author Biography


Department of Range & Forestry, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Al-Fateh, Tripoli, Libya