Bachelor in Instrumental Playing

Faculty of Arts and Design - Department of Musical Arts



Instrumental Playing is one of the academic programs in the Department of Musical Arts. By enrolling this program and passing the specialized courses, the student will be qualified to work in orchestras as a musical instrument player according to the specialization he chooses. The student learns the academic principles of musical composition, as well as conducting orchestras


  • Graduation qualified to play various musical instruments to work in the orchestras of various public and private sectors.
  • Qualified graduates in musical and lyrical composition.
  • Qualified graduates to lead orchestras.


  • The ability to practice artistic and creative functions related to music and its sciences.
  • The ability to comprehend and practice musical performing arts.
  • Acquisition of scientific and academic skills in the fields of music and musical sciences.
  • The ability to play musical instruments and lead orchestras.
  • The graduate should be able to compose musical pieces.

Certificate Rewarded

Bachelor's degree in Musical Arts- specialty: Instrumental Playing 


Entry Reuirements

  • The student must have obtained a Secondary diploma with a rate of no less than (65%)
  • The student must pass the entrance examination.
  • Students from other nationalities are accepted in accordance with the regulations and systems in force in Libyan universities.

Study Plan

The Bachelor in Instrumental Playing prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Instrumental Playing . The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 132 units, which include 10 units of general subjects, and 116 major units, 2 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
GS121 Arabic I 02 University requirement +

The Arabic language course is among the general compulsory courses, and it continues with the student during two semesters. According to the study plan, it will be in the first and second semester. This course contains the most important foundations and linguistic rules, and a number of lessons that qualify the student for university study, and through this course he learns the most important basics of academic writing, which depends mainly on language as the most important tool for the researcher in reading and also expressing his thoughts and opinions in a correct manner.

GS122 psychology 02 University requirement +

GS123 English 02 University requirement +

MUS123 musical culture 03 General +

MUS131 Rhythmic Solfege I 03 General +

MUS132 Music theories I 03 General +

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
GS224 Arabic II 02 University requirement GS121 +

GS225 Islamic culture 02 University requirement +

MUS233 Solfege I 03 General MUS131 +

MUS232 music theories II 03 General MUS132 +

MUS231 Rhythmic Solfege II 03 General MUS131 +

MUS225 Science of musical instruments 03 General MUS123 +

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AP301 Principal instrument I 03 Compulsory +

MUS220 History of music 03 General +

MUS226 terminology of music 03 General GS123 +

MUS332 Music theories III 03 General MUS232 +

AP209 Rhythmic Solfege III 03 Compulsory MUS321 +

AP205 Solfege II 03 Compulsory MUS233 +

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AP302 Principal instrument II 03 Compulsory AP313 +

MUS221 Theory of Arabic Music I 03 General +

AP313 Lyrical heritage 03 Compulsory +

MUS320 History of Arabic Music 03 General +

AP208 Rhythmic Solfege IV 03 Compulsory AP209 +

AP206 Solfege III 03 Compulsory AP205 +

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
MUS430 Computer Programs 03 General +

MUS321 Theory of Arabic Music II 03 General MUS221 +

MUS334 Music and sound effects 02 General +

AP303 Principal instrument III 03 Compulsory AP302 +

AP207 Solfege IV 03 Compulsory AP206 +

AP211 Rhythmic Solfege V 03 Compulsory AP208 +

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AP325 ensemble I 03 Compulsory +

AP304 Principal instrument IV 03 Compulsory AP303 +

AP224 Theory of Arabic Music III 03 Compulsory MUS321 +

AP222 Musical analysis I 03 Compulsory +

AP219 Harmony I 03 Compulsory +

CL326 Scientific research methods 02 General +

CL427 Aesthetics and criticism 02 General +

7th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AP405 Principal instrument V 03 Compulsory AP304 +

AP326 ensemble II 03 Compulsory AP325 +

AP223 Musical analysis II 03 Compulsory AP222 +

AP220 Harmony II 03 Compulsory AP219 +

AP217 Eastern solfege 03 Compulsory AP205 +

AP216 Arabic music analysis 03 Compulsory +

8th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AP499 Project 04 Compulsory +

AP327 Ensemble III 03 Compulsory AP326 +

CL498 Elective 03 Elective +