Translating metaphor in disturbing news contexts: A case study of the Israel-Gaza War
DOI:الكلمات المفتاحية:
ترجمة، الاستعارة، التقارير الإخبارية، الصراع بين إسرائيل وغزةالملخص
The current paper elucidates the metaphorical expressions employed in several news articles pertaining to the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict as of October 2023. The primary English versions of the selected news pieces from prominent English-language newspapers are examined to discern the metaphoric expressions present within the narratives. The corresponding translations of the identified metaphoric expressions are also chosen and compared with their original English counterparts. The comparative examination explores the manner in which metaphors are rendered and adapted within the Arabic linguistic framework, taking into account the cultural and linguistic subtleties that may impact the translation procedure. The various forms of equivalence utilized by the translator are emphasized. It has been determined that the strategy of literal translation is prevalent, with ideational and functional equivalence strategies also being employed. Notably, the omission strategy is conspicuous, that may be attributed to the ideological stance of the translator.
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