A comprehensive Review of Naturalistic Written Corrective feedback (WCF) in L2 Writing Instruction: Pedagogical Insights and Future Research Directions
https://doi.org/10.56592/flj.v1i30.1454الكلمات المفتاحية:
Written Corrective Feedback, Teacher practices, L2 learners’ responses and engagementالملخص
Witten Corrective Feedback (WCF) has traditionally been a crucial part of L2 writing instruction and has considerably influenced not only language development but also learner outcomes. While there is a significant amount of experimental research regarding WCF, studies that explore the use and perception of WCF in naturalistic classroom settings have been relatively fewer. This review thus attempts to fill this gap by synthesising empirical findings from naturalistic WCF studies within the past decade covering the period from 2010 to 2023 and offering a critical analysis of their implications for pedagogy and research. Four main themes cut across the data: (1) teacher WCF practices, (2) L2 learners’ responses and engagement with WCF, (3) teachers and students’ beliefs and perceptions, and (4) WCF-related motivation and emotions. The present review outlines the main similarities and differences between these themes, adding to the development of WCF practices. The findings suggest that understanding contextual and learner-specific factors can enhance WCF effectiveness. The review concludes with recommendations for future research, focusing on the complex interaction of contextual variables, learner attributes, and WCF outcomes within the L2 writing classroom.
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