BT118 : (Teaching methods (B


Department of Physical Education (Teaching)

Academic Program

Bachelor in Physical Education (Teaching)








The teaching methods course is an important component of the educational curriculum in the college and its importance is reflected in the mutual influence between it and the other components of the teaching system, where in this course students are provided with a set of knowledge and information related to the concept of teaching methods, methods and strategies and their relationship to the field of physical education and sports sciences and the definition of the components of modern teaching methods and methods, as well as goals, content and evaluation And determine the relationship between those elements, and that the subject of teaching methods is the basis for the success of the physical education teacher and all teachers of other disciplines, and this is what distinguishes us from the rest of the other professions.

Intended learning outcomes

The teaching methods course is one of the basic courses taught by the students of the fourth semester in the Department of Teaching where the graduate of the Department of Teaching is required to study a set of theoretical and practical courses overlapping each other, including these courses Teaching Methods and the student must link the knowledge, information and experiences gained from these courses, through this knowledge and information he has effective communication skills and ideas and complex cumulative experiences that enable him to access the knowledge and understanding that has been gained in this course to The levels of higher mental processes represented in the application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation and thus engage in the labor market in the field of education and work as a physical education teacher

Teaching and learning methods

The course offers a range of teaching and learning methods through theoretical and practical lectures, panel discussions with brainstorming as well as practical applied activities regarding teaching methods and their applications.

Scientific Program Subjects

Scientific Topics


The teaching and educational objectives of the physical education lesson


Parts of the physical education lesson (goals - contents)


Forms for preparing physical education lessons (basic-intermediate)


Behavioral goals related to three domains: cognitive-motor-emotional


Patterns of lessons to improve physical characteristics (skill - psychological)


Executive Programs (Kindergarten-Basic-Intermediate)


Basic principles in teaching activity lessons and motor skills for group games


Alternative tools and lessons used in the lesson of physical education


Physical education lessons in special conditions (cold-hot weather)


Physical education lessons in halls


School physical education records


Educational media (definition - types - importance)


Models for the use of educational media in teaching group games skills


General purposes of physical education (outcomes - standards)


Methods of assessments

Type of evaluation


1st Midterm Written exam

15 marks

2nd midterm written test exam

15 marks

Continuous assessment (attendance and participations)

10 marks

Final Exam

60 Marks


100 Marks


محسن حمص (2013) المرشد في تدريس التربية الرياضية، منشأة المعارف

محسن حمص، عبد اللطيف حبلوص (2017) اساليب تدريس التربية الرياضية والذكاءات المتعددة، دار الوفاء لدنيا الطباعة

سعيد خليل الشاهد (2012) طرق تدريس التربية الرياضية، مكتبة الطلبة القاهرة

طرق التدريس في التربية الرياضية منشأة المعارف الاسكندرية عفاف عبد الكريم