BT122 : Teaching aids


Department of Physical Education (Teaching)

Academic Program

Bachelor in Physical Education (Teaching)








Teaching aids constitute an important component of the educational curriculum and their importance is reflected in the mutual influence between them and the components of the other methods, each subject has appropriate methods that achieve its objectives and educational materials, as it provides the student with experiences that make him able to deal with students in sound scientific ways using educational methods and methods that enable the learner to absorb the knowledge that leads to modifying behavior and gaining educational experiences through the use of different educational means.

Intended learning outcomes

The course of teaching aids is one of the basic courses taught by students of the seventh semester in the Department of Physical Education Teaching, a course linked to a group of courses that are established some of them bb bite from the student's study of the course of the foundations and history of physical education in the first semester to study the curriculum course and the course of teaching methods A in the third semester and the course of programs and teaching methods c in the fifth semester up to the course of teaching aids in the seventh semester the student becomes able and qualified to know the methods and educational methods used during the educational process in order to be able to compare the means of learning and teaching technology old and new Be able to formulate behavioral goals associated with the areas of means of learning and teaching technology and can find the relationship between the units, content and the rest of the components of the educational program From here he can perform from the teaching aids (innovation) to distinguish between the different teaching a aids and become able to make a research paper that helps in creating an educational method with a stereoscopic performance of an educational means and designs Oral presentations and the ability to speak, present and work with the group in the scientific material.

Teaching and learning methods

The course is delivered through lectures, using explanations, presentations, models, videos, panel discussions, research papers, and group and interactive activities.

Scientific Program Subjects

Scientific Topics


Concept - definition - types - development of teaching aids


General rules for the use of teaching aids


Classification of teaching aids - divisions and types of teaching aids


The importance of using teaching aids in the lesson of physical education


Considerations and rules for using teaching aids in a physical education lesson


Employing teaching aids to achieve the goals of physical education


How to manufacture teaching aids


The role of teaching aids in the lesson of physical education


Programmed Handbook - Communication Skills - Distance Education


The use of teaching aids in preparing a physical education lesson (practical education) lesson model


Teaching physical education and sports in the digital age


Mixing technology and curriculum in the digital age


Teaching aids for people with special needs


Virtual University - Electronic School - Electronic Classroom - Virtual Lab


Methods of assessments

Type of evaluation


1st Midterm Written exam

15 marks

2nd midterm written test exam

15 marks

Continuous assessment (attendance and participations)

10 marks

Final Exam

60 Marks


100 Marks


محمد التابع عبد العاطي (2016) المزج بين التكنولوجيا والمنهج في العصر الرقمي. المكتبة التربوية الاسكندرية

محمد التابع عبد العاطي (2016) مصادر التعلم الكلاسيكية والرقمية. المكتبة التربوية الاسكندرية

محسن درويش حمص ومحمد عاصم غازي(2016) تدريس التربية البدنية والرياضة في عصر الرقمي. منشأة المعارف بالإسكندرية

سعيد الأعصر ونادية شريف (2014) تقنيات التعليم النظرية والتطبيق. دار الزهراء للنشر والتوزيع. الرياض