GS200 : برمجة حاسوب

القسم العلمي

قسم هندسة المواد والمعادن

البرنامج الدراسي

بكالوريوس في هندسة مواد ومعادن

نوع المقرر





نظرة عامة

Introduction to computer science; basic principles of computer structure; basic components of programming languages;  problem solving steps; Algorithms; introduction to Programming Language; Tokens; Values & variables; Input & Output statements;  Statements, Expressions and Operators; Flow of Controls (if, if..elseif, switch statements, ternary operator); Iteration and loops (while, do-while and for loop statements); Continue and Break statements;  Built-in functions, User defined functions; Scope of variables (global, local and static variables); Arrays (one dimensional array, 2 dimensional array , multi-dimensional arrays); some arithmetic operations on arrays; Arrays and functions; File I/O, files and streams, opening and closing files, reading & writing text files; other data types (i.e. structures, pointers)