MARE519 : Welding Technology


Department of Marine Engineering

Academic Program

Bachelor in Marine machinery and engines








This course is offered to the student ..........................................

● Permanent connection methods for metals and engineering materials.

● Types of welding and what is in line with the requirements of marine engineering.

● Types of welding joints, stamped metal thicknesses and sedimentation rates for dysfunctional welding types.

● Types of filler wires and where they are used.

● Some heat treatments after the implementation of welding joints.

● Welding defects

● Destructive and non-destructive welding tests

Intended learning outcomes

The student should distinguish between fastening joints for metals and engineering materials

The student should compare welding joints

The student should suggest using other filler wires for the welding process in terms of diameter and type

The student should solve the problems he faces during the implementation of the welding process

The student should associate all the requirements of the welding process with each other to carry out the welding with the highest quality

The student should distinguish between the types of welding process and the use of each of them .

The student must perform the welding currency successfully .

The student should diagnose the problems that appear during the welding process and how to solve and avoid them in the future.

The student should use the possible alternatives he studied in the types of fastening before resorting to welding

The student should design welding joints to suit what the work requires .

Teaching and learning methods

lectures with presentations.

Methods of assessments

The evaluation strategy of the student in this course consists of four elements: (distribution of the subject professor)

● Partial exam (written), out of 40 marks

● Assignment in groups (mini-research presentation, report...............) , from 5 degrees

● Panel discussions, case studies in groups (5 case studies), from 5 degrees

● Final exam (written), out of 50 marks