The student should distinguish between fastening joints for metals and engineering materials |
The student should compare welding joints |
The student should suggest using other filler wires for the welding process in terms of diameter and type |
The student should solve the problems he faces during the implementation of the welding process |
The student should associate all the requirements of the welding process with each other to carry out the welding with the highest quality |
The student should distinguish between the types of welding process and the use of each of them . |
The student must perform the welding currency successfully . |
The student should diagnose the problems that appear during the welding process and how to solve and avoid them in the future. |
The student should use the possible alternatives he studied in the types of fastening before resorting to welding |
The student should design welding joints to suit what the work requires . |
Teaching and learning methods
Methods of assessments
The evaluation strategy of the student in this course consists of four elements: (distribution of the subject professor)
● Partial exam (written), out of 40 marks
● Assignment in groups (mini-research presentation, report...............) , from 5 degrees
● Panel discussions, case studies in groups (5 case studies), from 5 degrees
● Final exam (written), out of 50 marks