The educational platform in university teaching, reality and challenges experienced by the learners





Journal title

جامعة طرابلس




E-learning can be considered as the best solution to the traditional education problems faced daily, as it is continuously changing the educational system towards a more flexible and effective learning system. It contains a wide range of applications and processes, such as Web-based learning, computer-based learning, virtual classrooms, and digital collaboration. E-learning includes the delivery of contents via Internet, intranet/extranet, audio- and videotape, satellite broadcast, interactive TV, and CD-ROM. This article presents the findings from a study carried out at an University on the experiences of using Web-based learning (educational platform) as an educational form of ICT and e-learning. The reported findings focus on the students’ challenges of and their experiences with that platform. This study concluded that the majority of students expressed their dissatisfaction with the idea of distance learning through the educational platform and considered learning via the platform as ineffective as is the case in interactive education. The study also concluded that the students' opinions about the platform give the impression that it may lack some of the required technical and functional specifications, such as methods of presenting curricula, methods of evaluation and communication with the teacher.