Insect Pests of Com in the Libyan Jamahirija and Infestations Associated with its Seedling Stage

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Periodical field surveys of com insect pests were conducted on plants grown at twelve different sowing dates. The study indicated that this crop is attacked by eleven species of insects. Five species are new records; and only Delia fiavibasis stein and Sesamia cretica Led. were able to build damaging populations during the seedling stage.Severe infestations with D. fiavibasis appeared early in the season during cool weather conditions and in plants having an extended height of 27.1 cm on the average. But plants with an average of 57.1 cm extended height were the most susceptible stage for infestation with 5. cretica. D. fiavibasis seriously damaged com seedlings grown through April and the first half of May. While 5. cretica severely infested com planted during June and July. The middle of May could be suggested for planting corn in Tripoli area to avoid high infestation rates with both pests.

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How to Cite
AHMED, M. K. . (2023). Insect Pests of Com in the Libyan Jamahirija and Infestations Associated with its Seedling Stage. The Libyan Journal of Agriculture, 7(1). Retrieved from
Author Biography


Department of Plant Protection. Faculty of Agriculture, University of Alfateh, Tripoli, S.P.L.A.J.