Field Measurements of Soil Water loss patterns in the Presence of Established Orchard Grass 1. Determination of Hydraulic Properties of the Soil

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The soil water properties were determined in a field plot of 6- by 6-metres. The plot was irrigated and immediately covered by a plastic sheet. In spite of the cover, the zero flux plane could not be kept, for a long period, at the soil surface.

The soil moisture and the hydraulic-head were measured respectively, using a neutron moistureprobeandaset oftcnsiometres.The hydrauliccondicutivity wasobtained from flux and hydraulic-head data. At the lowerdepths.thechangesofsoil moisture with the time could not be observed which obligated us to determine the flux only to a depth of 120 cm.

The relationship of water content to matric suction and to hydraulic conductivity are presented. At four different depths, relationships of hydraulic conductivity with moisture content were obtained. In addition, the moisture characteristics show the hystersis phenomena at a depth of 15 cm.

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How to Cite
MOHAMED, K. O. . (2023). Field Measurements of Soil Water loss patterns in the Presence of Established Orchard Grass: 1. Determination of Hydraulic Properties of the Soil. The Libyan Journal of Agriculture, 11(1). Retrieved from
Author Biography


Nuclear Research Center, Tajoura, Atomic Energy Secretariat, Tripoli, (S.P.L.A.J.).