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Dr. nabila shaweshe

  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Assistant Professor
  • Department of Library and Information
  • Faculty of Arts and Languages



All since 2019


e has worked as a faculty member in the College of Arts, Library and Information Department, Al-Suwani Branch, since 2008.

Coordinator of studies and examinations in the Department of Libraries and Information, College of Arts, Al-Sawani Branch, since 2009-2012.

Coordinator of studies and examinations at the College of Arts, Al-Sawani Branch, from 2021-2023.

Chairman of the Results Entry System Committee for the College of Arts/Al-Sawani Branch


At the beginning of my graduation and obtaining my bachelor’s degree, I worked as a university librarian for eight years

I devoted myself to research and study and obtained a master’s degree in the field in 2006. I worked as a professor at the University of Tripoli, then in 2012 I was sent to Egypt and joined postgraduate studies at Ain Shams University in the Faculty of Arts, Department of Libraries and Information. I obtained a doctorate in 2016 and worked again as a faculty member in the Department of Libraries and Information with a degree. A lecturer and currently an assistant professor, I have taught subjects in archives and information technology.

Research Interests

A university professor for more than ten years, including academic supervision of many students and full time teaching courses related to information technology in libraries.

Working on publishing two books in the specialty.

He published many scientific articles in several peer-reviewed scientific journals

Scientific participation in local and international conferences in the field of libraries and information

Participation in courses, including English language and computers, for self-development and the development of capabilities and skills

I currently work as a coordinator of studies and examinations at the college and a professor there, and I am in the process of publishing a book on classification.

I have collaborated as a library teacher with several local universities.

Member of the Arab Federation for Libraries and Information.

Member of the Libyan Association for Libraries and Information

External Activities

ساهمت منذ بداية عملى بالمشاركة فى تصنيف وتنظيم العديد من المكتبات منها جامعية ومنها متخصصة .

عملت فى لجان تنظيم معارض كتب محلية .

ساهمت فى برامج علمية فى لجان مع جمعيات مدنية وعلمية .

ساهمت فى اعداد المادة العلمية لورش ودورات فى تخصص المكتبات والمعلومات.

المساهمة فى تطوير مكتبة  كلية الاداب /فرع السواني من خلال توفير منظومة الكترونية لارشفة خدمات المكتبة وكذلك توفير خطة تصنيف ديوى العشرى باجزائه الكاملة اخر طبعة مساهمة فى تطوير المكتبة وتحسين خدماتها.


Conference paper

د. نبيلة محمد الشاوش (10-2022)
الاتحاد العربي للمكتبات والمعلومات

Journal Article