أ. فاطمة اللافي
- المؤهل العلمي: ماجستير
- الدرجة العلمية: محاضر
- قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية والصناعية
- كلية الهندسة
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فاطمة مصطفى اللافي أحدى أعضاءهيئة ااتدريس بقسم الهندسة الميكانيكية والصناعية كلية الهندسة جامعة طرابلس .تم تكليفها بالعديد من المهام بالقسم والكلية منها منسق البرنامج الدراسي للقسم من 2019 إلي الأن وكذلك منسقة المعامل والورش ،عضؤ في لجنة الدراسة و الامتحانات بالقسم ،عضؤ بلجنة مراجعة ملفات الخرجين
Fatima Mustafa Al-Lafi is a faculty member in theDepartment of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tripoli. She has been assigned many tasks in the department and the college, including coordinator of the department’s study program from 2019 to date. Fatima Mustafa Al-Lafi is a faculty member in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tripoli. She has been assigned many tasks in the department and the college, including coordinator of the department’s study program from 2019 tod ate..
Fatima Mustafa Al-Lafi is a faculty member in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tripoli. She has been assigned many tasks in the department and the college, including coordinator of the department’s study program from 2019 to
Fatima Mustafa Al-Lafi is a faculty member in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tripoli. She has been assigned many tasks in the
Fatima Mustafa Al-Lafi is a faculty member in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tripoli. She has been assigned many tasks in the department and the college, including coordinator of the department’s study program from 2019 to
Fatima Mustafa Al-Lafi is a faculty member in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tripoli. She has been assigned many tasks in the department and the college, including coordinator of the department’s study program from 2019 to
Fatima Mustafa Al-Lafi is a faculty member in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tripoli. She has been assigned many tasks in the department and the college, including coordinator of the department’s study program from 2019 to
Fatima Mustafa Al-Lafi is a faculty member in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tripoli. She has been assigned many tasks in the department and the college, including coordinator of the department’s study program from 2019 to
Fatima Mustafa Al-Lafi is a faculty member in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tripoli. She has been assigned many tasks in the department and the college, including coordinator of the department’s study program from 2019 to
Fatima Mustafa Al-Lafi is a faculty member in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tripoli. She has been assigned many task Fatima Mustafa Al-Lafi is a faculty member in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tripoli. She has been assigned many tasks in the department and the college, including coordinator of the department’s study program from 2019 until now.s in the department and the college, including coordinator of the department’s study program from 2019 to
Fatima Mustafa Al-Lafi is a faculty member in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tripoli. She has been assigned many tasks in the department and the college, including coordinator of the department’s study program from 2019 to
Fatima Mustafa Al-Lafi is a faculty member in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tripoli. She has been assigned many tasks in the department and the college, including coordinator of the department’s study program from 2019 to
Fatima Mustafa Al-Lafi is a faculty member in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tripoli. She has been assigned many tasks in the department and the college, including coordinator of the department’s study program from 2019 to
Fatima Mustafa Al-Lafi is a faculty member in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tripoli. She has been assigned many tasks in the department and the college, including coordinator of the department’s study program from 2019 to
Fatima Mustafa Al-Lafi is a faculty member in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tripoli. She has been assigned many tasks in the department and the college, including coordinator of the department’s study program from 2019 to
Fatima Mustafa Al-Lafi is a faculty member in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tripoli. She has been assigned many tasks in the department and the college, including coordinator of the department’s study program from 2019 to
Fatima Mustafa Al-Lafi is a faculty member in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tripoli. She has been assigned many tasks in the department and the college, including coordinator of the department’s study program from 2019 to
Fatima Mustafa Al-Lafi is a faculty member in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tripoli. She has been assigned many tasks in the department and the college, including coordinator of the department’s study program from 2019 to
Fatima Mustafa Al-Lafi is a faculty member in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tripoli. She has been assigned many tasks in the department and the faculty.
Fatima Mustafa Al-Lafi is a faculty member in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tripoli. She has been assigned many tasks in the department and the college, including coordinator of the department’s study program from 2019 to
Fatima Mustafa Al-Lafi is a faculty member in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tripoli. She has been assigned many tasks in the department and the college, including coordinator of the department’s study program from 2019 to
المسيرة المهنية
تحصلت علي بكالويس هنسة الطيران للعام 2003-2004 جامعة طرابلس و شهادة الماجستير من قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية والصناعية للعام 2015-2016 جامعة طرابلس , تعاونت مع القسم في تدريس بعض المقرارات العامة والتخصصية من2016 إلي 2019 , باشرت عملها كعضؤ هيئة تدريس بدرجة مساعد محاضر منذ تاريخ12-9-2019 تحصلت علي درجة محاضر بتاريخ 16-11-2021 حيث تقوم بتدريس مجموعة مقرارت حسب التخصص ،و لها العديد من المنشورات العلمية في مجال تخصصها .I obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Aeronautical Engineering for the year 2003-2004 from the University of Tripoli and a Master’s degree from the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering for the year 2015-2016 from the University of Tripoli. I cooperated with the department in teaching some general andsp ecialized courses.
.I obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Aeronautical Engineering for the year 2003-2004 from the University of Tripoli and a Master’s degree from the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering for the year 2015-2016 from the University of Tripoli. I cooperated with the department in teaching some general and
I obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Aeronautical Engineering for the year 2003-2004 from the University of Tripoli and a Master’s degree from the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering for the year 2015-2016 from the University of Tripoli. I cooperated with the department in teaching some general and
I obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Aeronautical Engineering for the year 2003-2004 from the University of Tripoli and a Master’s degree from the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering for the year 2015-2016 from the University of Tripoli. I cooperated with the department in teaching some general and
الاهتمامات البحثية
الاهتمامات البحثية في تخصص الديناميكة الحرارية ومحركات الحتراق وتحليل الاشارة وديناميكية عدم إستقرار الاحتراق بالمحركات الغازية والنفاته من خلال البحاث التي تم نشرها .Research interests in the field of thermodynamics, combustion engines, signal analysis, and combustion instability dynamics in gas and jetengines through published research.
ا .Research interests in the field of thermodynamics, combustion engines, signal analysis, and combustion instability dynamics in gas and jet
ا .Research interests in the field of thermodynamics, combustion engines, signal analysis, and combustion instability dynamics in gas and jet
ا .Research interests in the field of thermodynamics, combustion engines, signal analysis, and combustion instability dynamics in gas and jet
ا .Research interests in the field of thermodynamics, combustion engines, signal analysis, and combustion instability dynamics in gas and jet
ا .Research interests in the field of thermodynamics, combustion engines, signal analysis, and combustion instability dynamics in gas and jet
ا .Research interests in the field of thermodynamics, combustion engines, signal analysis, and combustion instability dynamics in gas and jet
النشاطات الخارجية
الاهتمامات البحثية في تخصص الديناميكة الحرارية ومحركات الحتراق وتحليل الاشارة وديناميكية عدم إستقرار الاحتراق بالمحركات الغازية والنفاته من خلال البحاث التي تم نشرها .Research interests in the field of thermodynamics, combustion engines, signal analysis, and combustion instability dynamics in gas and jet engines through published research
Research interests in the field of thermodynamics, combustion engines, signal analysis, and combustion instability dynamics in gas and jet engines through published research
.Research interests in the field of thermodynamics, combustion engines, signal analysis, and combustion instability dynamics in gas and jet engines through published research
Research interests in the field of thermodynamics, combustion engines, signal analysis, and combustion instability dynamics in gas and jet engines through published research
Research interests in the field of thermodynamics, combustion engines, signal analysis, and combustion instability dynamics in gas and jet engines through published research