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Prof. mahmoud alsgeer

  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Professor
  • Department of Arabic Language
  • Faculty of Languages



All since 2019


mahmoud alsgeer is one of the staff members at the department of 1 faculty of 19. He is working as a since 2014-09-02. He teaches several subjects in his major and has several puplications in the field of his interest.


He held a number of positions at the university, including:

 - Dean of the Faculty of Education, University of Tripoli.

- Official spokesman for the University of Tripoli.

- Director of the Office of Faculty Staff Affairs at the College of Education, University of Tripoli.

- Postgraduate Studies Coordinator in the Arabic Language Department, College of Arts.

- Quality Coordinator in the Arabic Language Department.

- Chairman of the University’s Investment and Self-Resources Committee

Research Interests

He has a number of scientific interests and concerns, including:

-        Speech Language Pathology Treatment (SLP).

-        Analysis of the audio signal on the Computerized Speech Laboratory (CSL).

-         Using statistical analysis using SPSS and its applications in language.

-        Using strategies for teaching Arabic to non-native speakers.

-        Working on the historical dictionary blog.

Using virtual education applications.

He also aspires to achieve the following scientific achievements:

-        Completing the dictionary of Libyan specialists in Arabic language and literature in Libyan universities.

-        Implementing the Libyan Linguistic Atlas proposal.

-        Activating the Department of Teaching Arabic to Non-Native Speakers at the University of Tripoli.

-        Establishing a linguistic clinic concerned with treating language and speech defects.

-        Updating and activating the linguistic laboratory.

-        Completing the writing of a book: The Physics of Linguistic Sound.

-        Establishment of the Libyan Society for Linguistic Phonetics.

External Activities

-        He works as an editor in the historical dictionary blog of the Union of Linguistic Academies
