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  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Associate Professor
  • Department of Philosophy
  • faculty of Arts Tripoli



All since 2019


Fatah Mustafa Nasr Al-Misallati: He is a faculty member in the Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts, Tripoli. He worked as a lecturer in the Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts, University of "Tripoli" from 2000 AD until 2004 AD.

* A faculty member in the Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts, University of "Tripoli" from 2004 AD to now.

*- Coordinator of studies and exams for the year 2004 AD to 2007 AD, Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts, University of "Tripoli".

*- Coordinator of studies and exams for the year 2013 AD - 2014 AD.

*- Head of the Philosophy Department from 2018 AD to 2022 AD.

*- Captain of the faculty members at the Faculty of Arts / University of Tripoli 2019 AD, until now.

*- Quality Coordinator, Department of Philosophy.

*- Mr. Fatah Al-Misallati has been working at the University of Tripoli as an associate professor since 12-3-2020, and he has many scientific publications in his field of specialization .


After more than twenty years in the field of specializing in philosophy, he is among the team of experts and specialized professors in the Department of Philosophy, since he obtained the degree of "PhD" in Philosophy in 2013. Dr. Fatah as a full-time lecturer (full-time for teaching and scientific research), and an essential part of his role is related to encouraging and supporting the research culture at the university, and he has a set of responsibilities in research quality, as a quality coordinator in the Department of Philosophy.

Research Interests

Research interests or fields in which he works or within the framework of his research interests:

1- Teaching the following subjects: "Introduction to Philosophy" - "Philosophy of Science" - "Contemporary Philosophy" - "Formal Logic" - "Philosophy of Contemporary Knowledge" - "Philosophy of Issues" - "English Philosophical Terms" - Orientalism, everything related to the relationship linking philosophy to society.

2- Developing the postgraduate program in the Department of Philosophy.

External Activities

1- A participating member in the discussion of scientific theses (Master - PhD) at Al-Zawiya University and the Libyan Academy.

2- External evaluator of philosophical research in Libyan universities.


Journal Article

الفاتح مصطفى منصور نصر (1-2018)
مجلة العلوم الإجتماعية -كلية الآداب -جامعة طرابلس .
الفاتح مصطفى منصور نصر (3-2020)
مجلة الأستاذ الجامعي , 33(0)
الفاتح مصطفى منصور نصر (6-2020)
مجلة بحوث العلوم الانسانية , 9(0)
الفاتح مصطفى منصور نصر (12-2019)
مجلة المُتكأ, 8(0)
الفاتح مصطفى منصور نصر (9-2020)
مجلة المنتدى الدامعي للدراسات الإنسانية والتطبيقية ., 26(0)
الفاتح مصطفى منصور نصر (1-2017)
, 1(0)
الفاتح مصطفى منصور نصر (7-2018)
مجلة كلية الآداب , 7(0)
الفاتح مصطفى منصور نصر (1-2021)
مجلة العلوم الاجتماعية والإنسانية, 5(0)
الفاتح مصطفى منصور نصر (1-2017)