A Sixteen Year Boy with Maxillofacial Injury by Five-Pronged Spear Head Harpoon Hook Gun: Case Report


  • Salaheddin Kurdi Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Tripoli, Tripoli, Libya
  • Sami Alyasir 2 Abu Slim Trauma Center, Tripoli, Libya

الكلمات المفتاحية:

Spear Head Gun; Harpoon; Maxillofacial; Children; Trauma; Emergency


This report illustrates a rare maxillofacial injuryby spear gun that can cause mortality and morbidity. It is important
to know how to intervene such a patient. He was conscious and oriented when he admitted to the Emergency
Department (ED), his respiration and circulation was stable. Five-pronged spear head was stuck into the left
zygomatic-orbital, maxilla and nose regions. The head of the five-pronged spear gun was cut out by a hydraulic
cutter and the harpoon hook was removed in operation room under general anesthesia (oral endotracheal intubation).
The patient healed with no deficit and discharged three days after operation.
Spear head harpoon guns are very dangerous equipment that children can easily access. Management of cases can
be different according to the different kinds of spear guns. This case demonstrates management to the spear head
harpoon gun injuries in the Emergency Department (ED) and in the Operation Room (OR)


