Maternal and Neonatal Outcome of Spontaneous Preterm Pre Labor Rupture of Membrane
PPROM; Chorioamnionitis; Feto-aterenal outcome.Abstract
Preterm premature rupture of membrane (PPROM)is a known complication of pregnancy as it is associated with
significant perinatal complication. The study aimed to determine the frequency of PPROM among pregnant women
at EbenSena Hospital and to study neonatal and maternal outcomes. This prospective longitudinal study was conducted at department of obstetrics and gynecology, EbenSena Hospital in Sirte, between January 2012 and December 2014; 906 cases, who presented with preterm premature rupture of membrane before 37 completed weeks of
gestation included in the study. These 906 women were divided into 3 groups according to gestational age (GA),
group 1 (28-30 week GA), group 2 (31-33 weeks of GA) and group 3 (34-36 weeks of GA); analysis was done to
find the association between PPROM and neonatal, maternal outcomes.
Among 11400 women delivered during the period of the study, 906 women with PPROM identified, the frequency of
PPROM was 7.9%, 211(23.3%) were delivered by cesarean section, chorioamnionitis was reported in 140 (15.5%)
of the cases and its frequency was more among gestational age group (28-30 weeks), (P = 0001). Most common
morbidity among neonates was respiratory distress syndromein 85(9.4%), followed by neonatal sepsis 77(8.5%),
and seizure 71(7.8%). The results revealed that 147(16.2%) of neonates developed hypoglycemia, 130(14.3%)
hyperglycemia, and 571(63%) hyperbilrubinemia). The occurrence of these complications wasmore frequently
among group of 34-36 weeks gestational age, (P = 0.0001). Death rate was 5.3%,with increasing gestational age
survival increased to 99.6% at 34-36weeks of gestation (P = 0.0001).
The study results imply that early PPROM is associated with higher rates of perinatal morbidity and mortality.