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Dr. Abdulnaser Shitao

  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Associate Professor
  • Department of Arabic Language
  • Faculty of Arts and Languages



All since 2019


- The researcher taught Arabic language to non-specialists in many faculties of the University of Tripoli such as the Faculty of Languages, the Faculty of Arts, the Faculty of Sciences, the Faculty of Engineering, the Faculty of Agriculture, the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Pharmacy, and the Faculty of Medical Technology.

- The researcher also taught Arabic language to non-native speakers at the Arabic Language Department - the Faculty of Languages.

- Since 2011, the researcher taught graduate students and supervised their dissertations



- Since 1995 AD, the researcher has worked as a lecturer at the Department of Arabic Language,  and has taught Phonetics and Phonology, the introduction to linguistics, linguistic schools, philology, Arabic writing, research methods, Quranic readings, and theoretical linguistics.

- He taught specialized subjects and the general Arabic language, collaborating in:The Higher Institute for Teacher Preparation in Imsalata, the College of Arts in Al-Khoms, the Colleges of Arts and Law in Tarhuna, the College of Science and Arts in Imsalata, the Higher Institute for Teacher training in Qasr Ben Ghashir, and the College of Sharia in Imsalata.

- The researcher was chosen as head of the Arabic Language Department at the College of Languages in 2010, and held this position until the end of 2012.

- The researcher worked in the field of media - simultaneously with his teaching at the university - in preparing and presenting news bulletins, and political, general cultural, and educational radio programs on both audio and video radio for thirteen years (1987-2000).

- The researcher was assigned the task of qualifying new broadcasters on the radio, and refining their vocal and linguistic skills, and the art of public speaking during the years: 2010, 2011, 2017.

Research Interests

I am interested in phonetic studies in the Arab heritage, such as the study of phonetics by Arab scholars, Quranic readings, and the science of Tajweed. In addition, I am interested in studying ancient and modern Arabic dialects.

External Activities

-The researcher has worked as a member of the scientific committee supervising the evaluation of the research papers submitted for the symposium on “Al-Faseeh and the common vocaulary in the Libyan Dialects” which was held in the summer of 2008 at the Arabic Language Academy as part - The researcher supervised and participated in the discussion of many scientific theses and dissertations (for master’s and doctoral degrees) at the University of Tripoli, the Libyan Academy for Postgraduate Studies, the World Islamic Call Society, and others.  -The researcher, with a group of colleagues, in cooperation with the Educational Research Center, reviewed and refined Arabic language curricula in the basic and intermediate stages of general education in 2019.

- The researcher participated in evaluating the book “Phonological Studies among Arabic Scholars” by Professor Abdel Hamid Al-Asaibai for its approval as a methodological book in the Arabic Language Department. - The researcher worked on the editorial board of Al-Balagh ـJournal and the peer-reviewed journal of the College of Languages. He also now works on the editorial board of the peer-reviewed Journal “Al-Bayna,” published by the Arabic Language Department at the College of Languages.- The researcher worked in the field of radio preparation and presentation and passed qualifying courses in that. The researcher worked in the field of media - simultaneously with his teaching at the university - in preparing and presenting news bulletins, and political, general cultural, and educational radio programs on both audio and video radio for thirteen years (1987-2000).


Conference paper

عبدالناصر رمضان علي شيتاو (1-2013)
جامعة إمام بونجول ،بادانج ، أندونيسيا

Journal Article

عبدالناصر رمضان علي شيتاو (1-2005)
مجلة الجامعة الأسمرية
عبدالناصر رمضان شيتاو (1-2009)
مجلة البلاغ