• َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Associate Professor
  • Department of Arabic Language
  • Faculty of Arts and Languages



All since 2019


MOHAMMED ABDULWAHID is one of the staff members at the department of 1 faculty of 19. He is working as a since 2016-06-20. He teaches several subjects in his major and has several puplications in the field of his interest.


personal information :


Name: Muhammad Abdel Wahed Muhammad Abdel Wahed.

Date of birth: 10-14-1961 AD.

Place of birth: Sorman - Libya.  

Marital status: Married, with two sons and one daughter.

Address: Al-Amouri District - Abu Issa - Al-Zawya Al-Gharb.

Work address: University of Tripoli - Tripoli - Libya.

Phone: 00218925370052


Qualifications :


1 - Doctorate in Grammar and Morphology, Faculty of Arts, University of Khartoum - Khartoum 

     Sudan 1998 AD.

2 – Master’s in Grammar and Morphology, Faculty of Languages, University of Tripoli, Tripoli 

     Libya 1992 AD.

3 – Postgraduate Diploma, Linguistics Division, Faculty of Languages - University of Tripoli - 

     Tripoli - Libya 1986 AD with a good general grade.

4 – Bachelor’s degree in Arabic Language and Islamic Studies, College of Education, University 

     Tripoli - Tripoli / Libya 1984 AD with a good general grade.

5 - Religious secondary school certificate, Omar bin Al-Khattab Islamic Institute - Al-Zawiya - Libya 

     1981 AD with a very good general grade.

Job experience:

First: Official jobs:

1 - Associate Professor (Teaching Linguistics Section Subjects in Postgraduate Studies), Language Department 

     Arabic, Faculty of Languages, University of Tripoli, from 2022 AD (until now).

2 - Assistant Professor (Teaching Linguistics Section Subjects in Postgraduate Studies), Language Department 

      Arabic, Faculty of Languages, University of Tripoli, and the preparatory stage of medical sciences, 

      From 2016 - 3. 7. 2022 AD.

3 - Lecturer (Teaching Grammar and Morphology), Department of Arabic Language, College of Arts, University 

     Tripoli, from 1/25/1999 to 7/31/2008 AD, and the Faculty of Languages, University of  

     Tripoli, from 2009 - 2016 AD.

4 - Lecturer (Teaching Grammar and Morphology), Department of Arabic Language, College of Arts, 

     Al-Sawani, University of Tripoli, from 9/10/2005 - 7/31/2008 AD.

5 - Lecturer (Teaching Grammar and Morphology), Arabic Language Division, College of Teacher Training,   

     Al-Awata, University of Tripoli, 2006-2007 AD.

6 - Lecturer (teaching and developing the Arabic language course for first-year students),   

     Faculty of Arts, University of Tripoli 2007 - 2008 AD.

7 - Lecturer (teaching and developing the Arabic language course for first and second year students) 

     College of Agriculture, Al-Hashan, University of Tripoli 2005 - 2006 AD.

8 - Lecturer (teaching and developing the Arabic language course for second-year students)

     Department of Theater, Faculty of Arts, University of Tripoli 2002 - 2003 AD.

9 - Lecturer (teaching and developing an Arabic language course for non-Arabs), college 

     Arts, University of Tripoli 2002 - 2003 AD.

10- Lecturer (teaching and developing the Arabic language course for first-year students),

     College of Engineering, University of Tripoli 1999 AD.

11- Assistant Lecturer (Teaching Grammar and Morphology), Department of Arabic Language, College of Languages, 

     University of Tripoli, from 11/8/1992 – 1/31/1995 AD.

12- Assistant lecturer (teaching and developing the Arabic language course for first-year students

     The second) in the English and Spanish Departments, Faculty of Languages, University of Tripoli 1993 

     – 1994 AD.


Second: Collaborative functions:

1 - Assistant Professor (teaching subjects: principles of grammar, linguistics, sources and references, 

     Editing manuscripts for postgraduate students at the Faculty of Arts, Tiji, 2017 

     2018 AD.  

2 - Lecturer (Teaching grammar and morphology to fourth year students), Arabic Language Department, 

      Higher Institute for Teacher Training, Abu Issa, from 2000 – 2004 AD. 

3 - Lecturer (Teaching grammar and morphology to fourth-year students), Arabic Language Department, 

      University of Departments, Abu Issa, from 2000 – 2003 AD.

4 - Lecturer (teaching and developing the Arabic language course for first-year students),

      Department of Law, Zaltan, University of Departments, Zuwara, 2003 AD.

5 - Lecturer (Teaching grammar and morphology, prosody, rhetoric), Arabic Language Department, 

      Faculty of Science and Arts, Zawia University, Zintan 2002 - 2004 AD, as well as 

      I studied a subject: an old book in graduate studies, 2010 AD.

6 - Lecturer (teaching and developing the Arabic language course for first-year students),

     National Institute of Management, Zawia 2001 - 2003 AD.

7 - Lecturer (Teaching and developing an Arabic language course for non-Arabs), college 

     Languages, formerly Nasser University, Sunday Market 2007-2008 AD.

8 - Assistant Lecturer (teaching and developing the Arabic language course for first-year students  

    Non-specialists) College of Science, Zawia University, Zawia 1992-1993 AD.

9 - Assistant lecturer (teaching grammar and morphology, Arabic language subject to others   

      Specialists) Department of Arabic Language, Department of History and Archeology, formerly Nasser University, 

      The five 1992-1993 AD.

10- Assistant lecturer (teaching and developing the Arabic language course for Sunni students  

      First) Faculty of Economics, Al-Ajailat, Zawia University, 1992 - 1993 AD 

11 - Teacher (teaching Arabic language, Islamic education) Abu Issa School 

       Girls’ Secondary School, Abu Issa 1984 – 1988 AD.

12 - Teacher (teaching Arabic language, Islamic education), Jeel School 

       Formerly, Anger High School, Abu Issa 1989 - 1992 AD.

Published research:

1 - Linguistic Studies Book for the Fourth Year in Social Sciences Secondary School, (all sections

     Except for the Arabic Language Division) with the participation of Professor Dr. Bashir Muhammad Zuqlam. 

2 - Investigation of (the text of facts) attributed to Sheikh Ali Al-Shanoufi, with the participation of the professor 

     Dr. Muftah Muhammad Naji, Al-Bayna magazine, issued by the Arabic Language Department of the College 

     Languages, University of Tripoli, first issue 2014.   

3 - The letters of meanings and their role in linking parts of speech, research with the participation of the professor 

     Dr. Muftah Muhammad Naji, Al-Bayna magazine, issued by the Arabic Language Department of the College 

     Languages, University of Tripoli, fourth issue 2016. 4 - The so-called Sunni system

     Text of Al-Ajrumiyyah by Ali bin Muhammad bin Abdul Kafi Al-Sunni Al-Misrati, Part One,

     Explanation with the participation of Professor Dr. Muftah Muhammad Naji, magazine 

5 - The Sunni system of the so-called Al-Ajrumiyya text by Ali bin Muhammad bin Abdul Kafi Al-Sunni

     Al-Misrati, Part Two, explained with the participation of Professor Dr. Muftah Muhammad Naji 

     Al-Maddad Magazine, Faculty of Social Sciences, Al-Zaytouna University, Libya, issue nine,

     June 2022 AD. 

6 - The Sunni system of the so-called Al-Ajrumiyya text by Ali bin Muhammad bin Abdul Kafi Al-Sunni

     Al-Misrati, Part Three, explained with the participation of Professor Dr. Muftah Muhammad Naji

     Journal of the College of Graduate Studies, Al-Zaytouna University, Libya, Issue: December 4, 2021 AD.  

7 - The Sunni system of the so-called Al-Ajrumiyya text by Ali bin Muhammad bin Abdul Kafi Al-Sunni

     Al-Misrati, Part Four, Explanation of Dr.: Muhammad Abd al-Wahid Muhammad, magazine

     Al-Zaytouna University, Libya, Issue: 41, March 2022 AD.


Other research: 

1 - Revealing the mask and veil by removing suspicion from the rules of parsing, Muhammad bin Abdul Karim 

     Al-Berkeli, study and investigation, (Master’s thesis). University of Tripoli, Tripoli, 

     Libya 11/8/1992 AD.

2 - The healing benefits of parsing Al-Kafiya, Al-Hussein bin Ahmed, study and investigation, 

     (PhD dissertation), University of Khartoum, Khartoum, Sudan 8/28/1998 AD. 

3 - Ibn Duraid’s approach through his book Sharh al-Maqsooor wa al-Mamdudu,

4 - Ibn Barri and his book, The Answer to the Ten Questions.

Creative contributions in the academic field:

1 - Preparing a course on (Arabic grammar for non-specialists) at the College of Education, 

      Yafran, Western Mountain University.

2 - Preparing the institute’s course on (Arabic grammar for non-specialists). 

     National Administration, Zawia.

3 - Preparing a course on (Arabic grammar for non-specialists) at the College of Law, 

      Zaltan, University of Departments, Zuwara.

4 - Preparation of a course on (morphology), Department of Arabic Language, University of Departments, Abu Issa.

Academic supervision:

Supervising a group of students from the Arabic Language Department in preparing graduation research.

Supervising a group of master’s and doctoral students in the Arabic Language Department in preparing their research.

Discussing master’s theses at the University of Benghazi, the former University of Al-Marqab, the University of Tripoli, and the Academy of Graduate Studies.

Academic interest:

A - Teaching interests:

1 - Grammar.

2 - Exchange.

3_ Prosody and rhyme.

4 - Arabic language for non-Arabs.

5 - Rhetoric.

6 - Manuscripts and documents.

7- An old book. 

8 - Topics in grammar.

9 - Principles of grammar.

10- Directing the readings. 

11- Sources and references.

12- Grammatical explanations.

13- Grammar schools.

B - Research interests:

1 - Investigating and studying manuscripts and documents.

2 - Research in the field of grammar, its theories and history.

3 - Research in the field of semantics related to grammar and morphology.

Scientific skills:

1 – Teaching. 

2- Research in the field of specialization. 

3- Use of computer.

Hobbies :

1 - Reading.

2 - Collecting manuscripts and documents.

3- Buying books.


1 - Professor Dr.: Ibrahim Abdullah Rufaida - may God have mercy on him 

               University of Tripoli - Tripoli - Libya.

2 - Professor Dr. Saleh Salim Al Fakhri.

               University of Tripoli - Tripoli - Libya.

3_ Professor: Bashir Muhammad Zaklam.

               University of Tripoli - Tripoli - Libya.

4 - Professor: Salah al-Din al-Malik.

               University of Khartoum - Khartoum - Sudan

Research Interests

External Activities