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Dr. Mabruka Shaib

  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Lecturer
  • Department of Arabic Language
  • Faculty of Arts and Languages



All since 2019


    Mrs. Mabrouka worked as a teaching assistant in the Arabic Language Department in the College of Languages in 1999. She joined postgraduate studies in the same college and obtained a “Master’s” degree in grammar in 1999 with an excellent general grade, and a doctorate in grammar in 2019 with a very good general grade. I have been working in the department as a professor since 1999 until now, and I teach the Arabic language to non-specialists in university colleges.


I currently teach Arabic to non-specialists in the College of Medicine and the College of Science, in addition to the task of coordinating the Arabic language in the College of Science

Research Interests

Everything related to grammar and its sciences

External Activities

Linguistic proofreader in several places

Participation in international workshops and conferences
