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Ms. Sara Elforjani

  • َQualifications: Master degree
  • Academic Rank: Assistant Lecturer
  • Department of English Language
  • Faculty of Arts and Languages



All since 2019


At the end of 2016, I moved to the English Department and taught English as a general subject for two semesters, after which I taught Theoretical Linguistics for more than 10 semesters. During this period, I prepared tests and collaborated with the subject coordinator and participating faculty members.I also taught conversation, varieties of English, and composition. I taught medical terminology to first-year students at the College of Veterinary Medicine for four consecutive years.As part of my work as a faculty member, I monitored and supervised the midterm and final exams.


At the beginning of my career, I was appointed as a teaching assistant at the Language Center at the University of Tripoli, and there I began my journey in teaching English as a second language. I attended workshops organized by the Center for Living Languages in cooperation with the British Council and the University of Cambridge, and as a result, I obtained the TKT and ICELT certificates. I was nominated to attend a number of international conferences to continue developing my teaching of the English language.My work continued alongside my studies until I defended my master’s thesis and was promoted to assistant lecturer. So I moved from the Center for Living Languages to the English Department at the College of Languages, where I taught different subjects to different classes.

Research Interests

I am very interested in Theoretical Linguistics, any studies related to it, and any research that will help students improve their academic level. I am also interested in teaching conversation because some students struggle with speaking English fluently. I am very interested in finding appropriate solutions to the problems associated with the conduct of the teaching process in a way that suits the background and level of the students. I know that I can help solve some of the problems facing students because I will use my experience from the training I obtained in the past and from certificates of teaching English as a second language.

External Activities

I always seek to help in any work that may help students outside the university.


Master Thesis

Sara Ali Saleh Elforjani (1-2014)
جامعة طرابلس, 1(0)