Ms. ِAhlam Alshaiebi

  • َQualifications: Master degree
  • Academic Rank: Lecturer
  • Department of English Language
  • Faculty of Arts and Languages



All since 2019


1- I worked as an assistant instructor in the Department of English / Faculty of Education- University of Tripoli.2014-2016.

2- I worked as Examination&studies coordinator in the Department of English / Faculty of Education- University of Tripoli 2015- 2016.

3- I participated with many tasks like; differentiation Exams committees and management examination committees in the Faculty of Education/ University of Tripoli 2015-2016. 

4- I worked as Head of English Department / Faculty of Education- University of Tripoli 2016-2017

5- I moved to work as an assistant lecturer in the Department of English / Faculty of Languages- University of Tripoli.2017 and still continuing.

6- I worked as an office manager of Quality Assurance and Performance Evaluation 2018-2021.

7- I worked as a head of (strategic planning committee for Faculty of Languages 2020-2024).

I worked and still working as assigned faculty member in the Faculty of Nursing / University of Tripoli to teach ESP 2021 and still continuing.


1- I worked as an assistant lecturer in the Department of English / Faculty of Education- University of Tripoli.2014-2017.

2- I worked as Examination&studies coordinator in the Department of English / Faculty of Education- University of Tripoli 2015- 2016.

3- I worked as Head of English Department / Faculty of Education- University of Tripoli 2016-2017

4- I moved to work as an assistant lecturer in the Department of English / Faculty of Languages- University of Tripoli.2017 and still continuing.

5- I worked as an office manager of Quality Assurance and Performance Evaluation 2018-2021.

6- I worked as a lecturer in the Department of English / Faculty of Languages- University of Tripoli 2019 and still continuing.

I worked and still working as assigned faculty member in the Faculty of Nursing / University of Tripoli to teach ESP 2021 and still continuing.

Research Interests

  • Problems Encountered By Libyan Teachers in Designing Placement Tests with Special Reference to Excel Center In Tripoli

 Abstract       Language teaching has been viewed as a potentially powerful and progressive force in education. Testing plays a crucial role in teaching and learning process. It enables teachers to evaluate the students. That is any language instruction program requires the preparation and administration of tests. This study aimed to investigate whether teachers of English language teach at Excel center are able to design placement tests for Beginners effectively. This study was concerned with teachers’ opinions and ideas about designing such tests and how effective they are. Related research on this area has been summarized as well. To investigate the research questions of the study, questionnaires supported by the interviews were conducted. As to as to collect teachers’ reaction to testing; the participants involved to answer the questionnaire and interviews questions were Libyan teachers of English who teach at Excel center in Tripoli. Both quantitative and qualitative data analyses were conducted. The answers have been transferred into statistics presented in tables showing the teachers’ responses and results in percentage forms. According to the findings the researchers have reached, some recommendations have been proposed such as teacher of English Language should be well trained and involved in constructing training programs in order to depending on self- ability and experience to design placement tests rather than using ready- made placement tests from Oxford or Mcmillan

A Journal of the Faculty of Languages   Issue 16      September 2018

An Investigation on the teaching aids employed by Libyan Lecturers in speaking classes in the department of English at Faculty of Languages/University of Tripoli


This study investigates on the teaching aids which employed by Libyan lecturers in speaking classes at department of English/ Faculty of Languages- University of Tripoli. The objectives of the study are to investigate the influence of teaching aids in speaking classes, to identify which are more interested in teaching speaking skill (male or female) and to determine which teachers (full or part time) are involved to use teaching aids. The researchers have been used a questionnaire method to collect data. The sample was for ten lecturers (male and female) to answer the questionnaire. The researchers found out that the females are more interested in teaching speaking with using teaching aids, the most of female teachers often use audio/ visual aids in teaching speaking skill while the most of male lecturers use visual aids in teaching speaking. On the other hand, some of male teachers use audio aids. Moreover, females are implemented to use teaching aids in full time lectures, whereas males are using them in part time of lectures.

                                           Development and Institute of Economic Social Researches( IKSAD) 2021

التحديات  الاجتماعية التي تواجه المرأة الزوجة والأم الليبية المتقلدة لمهام قيادية وأكاديمية بمؤسسات التعليم العالي: جامعة طرابلس حالة الدراسة


رغم اندماج المرأة الليبية الفعال في مجتمعها على كافة الاصعدة، من خلال مزاولتها للعديد من المهام الحيوية والأدوار الفاعلة في قطاع التعليم العالي وما يندرج تحته من مؤسسات مختلفة، وعلى وجه اخص دورها البارز والمرموق في شغل مختلف الادوار المنوطة بها والمهام التي  تتقلدها من رئاسة لجان واقسام علمية وما يتبعها من أدوار ومهام ادارية وقيادية ذات العلاقة بهذا القطاع، إلا أن المرأة الليبية باتت تواجه، مع كل النجاحات التي أحرزتها على كافة الاصعدة، عددا من التحديات الأسرية والاجتماعية التي قوضت بشكل او بآخر مشاركتها المجتمعية الفاعلة وعرقل تواجدها بشكل بارز في محافل المعترك الاكاديمي وممارستها لمهامها بشكل سلس ومرن مما وضعها في تحد مستمر لتحقيق التوازن الذي ترجوه بين حياتها الاسرية ومتطلباتها وانخراطها في المعترك الاكاديمي وسعيها الدؤوب لتحقيق ذاتها والوصول إلى الافضل.  تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى التعرف على التحديات الاجتماعية التي تواجهها الزوجة الأم التي تشغل أدوارا حيوية ومهمة في قطاع التعليم العالي  بجامعة طرابلس من خلال إلقاء الضوء على الجوانب الآتية: معرفة خصائص المرأة العاملة في مؤسسات التعليم العالي بصورة عامة، والكشف عن أهم التحديات الاجتماعية التي تواجهها في جامعة طرابلس تحديدا. كما تهدفت الدراسة إلى تقديم بعض المقترحات للتغلب على ذلك النمط من التحديات، ومن أجل تحقيق أهداف الدراسة تم الاعتماد على المنهج الوصفي التحليلي وقد صممت استبانة وتم تطبيقها على عينة مكونة من عدد (60) سيدة قيادية بجامعة طرابلس. واستنادا لذلك سيتم التوصل إلى عدد من النتائج والتوصيات المقترحة.

                                           Development and Institute of Economic Social Researches( IKSAD) 2021


External Activities

1- I taught general courses of English for different levels at Al-Safwa Center for Learning English 2007-2012. 

2- I taught general courses of English for different levels and curriculum courses at Excel Center for Learning Languages 2012-2014.

3- I worked as a Head Manager for Excel center for Learning Languages 2012-2014.

4-  I taught general  English courses for different levels at Ideal Center for Learning English 2014.

5-  I taught general English courses for different levels at Tripolis Center for Learning English 2014.

6- I taught ESP for Ministry of Transportation employees 2014-2015.

7-  I taught different levels of general courses of English  at New Horizon Center 2014-2015.

8- I worked as an assistant instructor in the Department of English / University of Alhadera 2015.

9- I have worked as Certified Quality Auditor of National Center for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Educational and Training Institutes 2021.and still continuing. 

10- I have worked as an office manager of Quality Assurance and Performance Evaluation at Global University for 2021-2023.



Conference paper

Ahlam Mahmoud Alshaiebi, Olaa Ali Azzabi (12-2021)
Development and Institute of Economic Social Researches( IKSAD)

Journal Article

Ahlam Mahmoud Alshaiebi, Olaa Ali Alaxxabi (9-2018)
مجلة كلية اللغات, 18(0)