Mr. Ali Eslil

  • َQualifications: Master degree
  • Academic Rank: Assistant Lecturer
  • Department of French Language
  • Faculty of Arts and Languages



All since 2019


Ali Suwaisi Salem Al-Salil is a faculty member in the French Language Department at the College of Languages. Mr. Ali Al-Salil has been working full-time at the University of Tripoli as an assistant lecturer since September 1, 2013. Before that, he was a teaching assistant in the department since 2006.

Mr. Ali Souissi Al-Salil holds a master’s degree in foreign language teaching from the University of Strasbourg in France, which he obtained in 2012. In addition, he obtained several certificates from the University of Besançon and the University of Lyon (Alliance française, France) as a preparatory stage for obtaining a master’s degree in foreign language teaching. . He also obtained a bachelor’s degree in teaching foreign languages from the College of Languages, Tripoli, in 2007.

Mr. Ali attended various workshops, including a workshop in continuing teacher training for the French language at the University of Besançon, France 2014. In 2012, Ali Souissi obtained a diploma in English from the Celtic Institute, in Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom.

Mr. Ali Souissi worked in several fields as a translator from French to Arabic, including the African Basketball Championship with the Central African team in 2014. To that, he was a volunteer with an association for refugee rights in the city of Strasbourg at the CODA Center.

In 2017, he obtained a certificate in fiber optic installation from the AFPA Center, and worked for the Cotel Communications and Programming Company in Strasbourg, France.

In 2020, Mr. Ali Souissi Al-Salil worked as a translator and social worker within the mental health and protection team with Médecins Sans Frontieres (Médecins sans frontieres).


_2012 Change of status from teaching assistant to teaching staff member. He was sent to France to prepare for a master’s degree in the field of the French language, where he obtained the delegated degree in 2009.

-2006 Started working as a teaching assistant at the University of Tripoli, French Language Department

Research Interests

Professor Ali Al-Salil’s research interests focus on everything related to the field of teaching and teaching the French language

External Activities

Language trainer in several French language teaching centers.