Dr. mohamed alsghayer

  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Lecturer
  • Department of Geography and Geographic Information Systems
  • Faculty of Arts and Languages



All since 2019


Dr. Muhammad is one of the faculty members in the Geography Department at the College of Arts, Tripoli. Mr. Muhammad has been working at the University of Tripoli as a lecturer since June 9, 2004. He has many scientific publications in his field of specialization. He is interested in teaching environmental studies and hydrogeography in the bachelor’s program. He evaluated and discussed many graduation projects in the geography major.


She obtained her doctorate from Mohammed V University, and worked as a permanent faculty member in the Geography Department. I obtained the degree of lecturer in the department.

Research Interests

The focus of research interest is issues related to geographical studies

Rehabilitation of oases and their biosphere under the second phase of the Man-Made River Project

Water from the Qur’an (Water and Life Magazine) published by the General Water Authority, Issue 5, 2007

Zamzam Water and Its Virtues, (Water and Life Magazine) issued by the General Water Authority, issue six.

Forest trees and their impact on environmental pollution

External Activities

He participated in many local and international conferences, including:

The Fourth Forum of Arab Geographers: Towards a strategy for regional development planning in the Arab world. In Rabat - Morocco.

Training course (specialization in geomorphology in Marrakesh, Morocco)

International Conference on Major Isothermal Water Basins in Dry Areas.

Non-renewable resources management - Tripoli - Libya.


Journal Article

د. محمد علي ابوبكر الصغير (1-2024)
Kuwait Journal of Science