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  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Professor
  • Department of Geography and Geographic Information Systems
  • Faculty of Arts and Languages



All since 2019


Prof. Naji Abdallah Mukhtar Alzanati is a member of the Geography and GIS department, prof. Naji Alzanati has been working at the University of Tripoli as a professor since, 1/7/2020, and has several scientific publications. prof. Naji conducts scientific research in the field of planning and housing studies, also, he teaching in the undergraduate and postgraduate studies, in addition he supervises master's and Ph.D theses..


1) head of geography department, faculty of arts, university of Tripoli 1998-2000

2) coordinator of postgraduate student in the department of Geography and geographical information system,  since 2017.

3) Member of of the management committee of the Research and Consulting Centre at the University of Tripoli since 2021.

Research Interests

1) Urban and Regional planning

2) Housing studies.

3) Services planning

External Activities

1) Focal point of United Nation Decade of education for sustainable development 2005-2012.

2) Member of housing and utilities expert team in the Libyan economic and social development plan 2006-2010.

 3) Coordinator of the master program in urban and regional planning at the Libyan academy 2008-2012.

4) Member of the preparing committee of the Libyan educational law 2010.

5)  Chairman of the committee for reviewing geography books for secondary education in Libya 2019-2021. 

6) member of the scientific committee of the Libyan Gifted and Talented Association since 2020.

7) Member of the advisory Committee of the Ministry of Economy and Trade, Libya 2020-2021.

8) Member of the advisory Committee for Curriculum and educational research center, Ministry of education , Libya 2020.

9) Member of the committee preparing curricula and vocabulary for the department of History and Geography in the faculty of education, Libya 2022.

9) Member of the advisory board of the Libyan Journal of Geographical Studies, Geographical Society of the Central Region.

10) Chairman of the Committee for university members and scientific research at the Libyan center for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences 2023.


Conference paper

Journal Article

ا.د. ناجي عبدالله الزناتي (6-2009)
مجلة الجامعي, 19(0)