Ms. Amna AlDhuwaib

  • َQualifications: Master degree
  • Academic Rank: Assistant Lecturer
  • Department of Geography and Geographic Information Systems
  • Faculty of Arts and Languages



All since 2019


Dr. Amna Saad Saeed Al-Dhuwaib is one of the faculty members in the Geography Department at the College of Arts, Tripoli. Mrs. Amna Saad Saeed Al-Dhuwaib works at the University of Tripoli as an assistant lecturer 7/14/2010. She is interested in teaching the geography of the Arab world, biogeography, the geography of Asia, the environment and geography of Africa, and supervising graduation projects in the bachelor’s program.


Dr. Amna Saad Saeed Al-Dhuwaib is one of the faculty members in the Geography Department at the College of Arts, Tripoli. Mrs. Amna Saad Saeed Al-Dhuwaib works at the University of Tripoli as an assistant lecturer 7/14/2010. She is interested in teaching the geography of the Arab world, biogeography, the geography of Asia, the environment and geography of Africa, and supervising graduation projects in the bachelor’s program.

Research Interests

By focusing the focus of research interest on issues related to the geography of the Arab world, biogeography, the geography of Asia, the environment and geography of Africa.

External Activities

A training workshop for the TOEFL exam at the Language Center, Cairo University, during the period 9-15/3/2016.


Master Thesis

أ. أمنة سعد سعيد الذويب (1-2010)
جامعة طرابلس, الصفحات 1-150