Dr. Samera Sahli

  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Assistant Professor
  • Department of History
  • Faculty of Arts and Languages



All since 2019


Samera Al -Garane is one of the faculty members in the Department of History at the Faculty of Arts, Tripoli. Mrs. Samira Al -Jarani has been working at the University of Tripoli since 2005 AD, where she taught many courses, and the tasks of the study coordinator and exams in the department and the tasks of the system supervisor in the department.


She joined the History Department as a teaching assistant in 2005.

She obtained a master's degree in ancient history in 2007.

I was appointed as a faculty member in the department in 2007.

I obtained a doctorate degree. She was promoted to the rank of lecturer in 2015.

She obtained the rank of Assistant Professor in 2020.

Research Interests

She has published many researches, including:

Hatshepsut's journey to the country of Punt.

Carthage’s relationship with the inhabitants of ancient Morocco.

Carthaginian maritime trade 814-146 BC.

External Activities

Dr. Samira contributed to the evaluation of many research for the purpose of promotion and for the purpose of publishing in some tight scientific journals. She also had a presence and participation in many scientific conferences,


Journal Article

سميرة الجعراني الساحلي (6-2020)
مجلة المتكأ, الصفحات 51-65
سميرة الجعراني الساحلي (6-2018)
مجلة القلعة, الصفحات 300-318