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Dr. Mostafa Younes

  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Assistant Professor
  • Department of History
  • Faculty of Arts and Languages



All since 2019


Mustafa Rajab Younis is a faculty member in the Department of History/Faculty of Arts/University of Tripoli with the rank of Assistant Professor. As a specialist in modern and contemporary political and social history, Dr. Mustafa teaches courses: History of Modern Arab-European Relations, Modern History of Europe, Contemporary History of Europe, and Contemporary History of Asia; Mr. Mustafa also held the position of Affiliation Coordinator in the History Department.


Specialization: Professor of contemporary political and social history.

Professor (Associate) in the Department of History, Faculty of Arts / University of Tripoli since 5/1/2021.

Professor (Lecturer) in the Department of History, Faculty of Arts / University of Tripoli since 1/17/2016.

Professor (Assistant Lecturer) in the Department of History, Faculty of Arts, University of Tripoli (AL-FATEH), since 7/22/2008.

Teaching assistant in the Department of History, Faculty of Arts, University of (AL-FATEH) Tripoli, from 1/7/2008 to 7/22/2008.

Research Interests

A researcher and academic specializing in Libyan-Italian relations, specifically the period of colonialism and fascism in Libya. He has published several research books in Arabic and Italian in this context, including:

Publications in Arabic

The City of Tripoli: The urban and urban development that Balbo promoted during his term in Libya (1934-1940), Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, Issue 8, December 2019.

Reconstruction and infrastructure projects outside urban centers in Italian Libya, Al-Mutaka Magazine, Issue 7, June 2019.

The fascist policy towards religious education for Libyan Arabs (1934-1940), Journal of the University Forum for Humanities and Applied Studies, Issue Twenty-Five, March 2020.

Golden Exile: Balbo in Libya...Lights and Shadows, Al-Ferjani Publishing and Distribution House, Tripoli, 2022.

The fascist policy of assimilation and naturalization in Italian Libya (1934-1939), Different Visions on Contemporary Libya, Institute for Contemporary Maghreb Research, Tunisia, 2024.

  Publications in Italian

La città di Tripoli: lo sviluppo architettonico e urbanistico promosso da Balbo durante il suo governatorato in Libia, in «Africa e Mediterraneo», dicembre 2017, n. 85. 

Il colonialismo fascista in Libia e l’istruzione religiosa degli arabi, in «Storicamente», giugno 2018, n. 14.   

I progetti di costruzione ed infrastruttura extra-urbana nella Libia balbian, in «Eunomia. Rivista di Storia e Politica Internazionale» Anno VII., luglio 2019, n.1.

Balbo amico degli arabi, in A. Baravelli (a cura di), Il fascismo in persona. Italo Balbo, la storia e il mito, Mimesis, Milano 2021.

L’esilio dorato. Luci e ombre dell’oberato di Italo Balbo in Libia, FrancoAngeli, Milano 2022.

Translation field

Translation from Italian into Arabic of a book published by Italic Publishing House, Ancona, 2017 entitled:

Chiudo gli occhi due secondi miei poveri detrattori ecco a voi il mio cammino inviolato.

External Activities

Mr. Mustafa has many activities outside the university, as he was a professor of Italian language at the Al-Mawhibah Center for Education and Training, Tripoli, from January 2018 until April 2019.