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Prof. mukhtar eabd alqadir

  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Professor
  • Department of Islamic Studies
  • Faculty of Arts and Languages



All since 2019


He is one of the faculty members in the Department of Islamic Studies at the College of Arts, Tripoli. Mr. Mukhtar Al-Ammari has been working at the University of Tripoli as a permanent professor since 2021 in the Department of Islamic Studies and has many scientific publications in his field of specialization in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

§ Doctorate in Islamic Studies, specializing in Jurisprudence and Interpretation, with first-class honors, Faculty of Dar Al-Ulum, Minya University - Egypt 2007 AD.

§ Master’s in Islamic Studies, College of Education, University of Tripoli, 1998 AD

§ Bachelor’s degree in Arabic Language and Islamic Studies, College of Education, University of Tripoli, 1988 AD.


Director of the Graduate Studies Department at the Ministry of Higher Education 2020-2022

· Dean of the Faculty of Arts, University of Tripoli, 2/1/2013 AD - 10/2018 AD.

· Head of the Department of Islamic Studies - University of Tripoli 11/1/2011 AD - 1/30/2013 AD.

· Chairman of the Permanent Committee for Postgraduate Studies formed by decision of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research 2021 AD.

· Member of the committee formed by the decision of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research for the year 2021 AD.

· Quality Coordinator in the Department of Islamic Studies at the College of Arts in 2008.

· Sustainable Development Advisor in the Office of the Minister of State for Women’s Affairs 2021 AD.

· Consultant expert at the Ministry of Women (Higher Education File) 2021 AD.

· Member of the Libyan Society for Curricula and Teaching Strategies 2019.

· Permanent member of the Books and Research Evaluation Committee of the General Authority for Culture, (2018 AD - until the submission of this biography).

· Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the Libyan Society for Curricula and Educational Strategies

· Member of the Scientific Committee of UNICEF (2015 AD).

· Head of the fact-finding committee at the college level of the University of Tripoli.

· Member of a committee examining a proposal to restructure the College of Arts.

· Member of a committee to develop a general vision for the mechanism for extending security at the University of Tripoli.

· Coordinator of scientific departments at Nasser University 1991 - 1997 AD.

Research Interests

o Chairman of the Preparatory Committee for the First Scientific Conference of the College of Arts entitled (The Role of the Human Sciences in Resolving Community Issues) in the period May 14-16, 2015 AD, which was held at the University of Tripoli.

o Chairman of the Preparatory Committee for the Geographical Conference supervised by the College of Arts, January 14-16, 2014 AD.

o Chairman of the preparatory committee for the conference (Violence against Children), which was held at the Mahari Hotel in 2017 AD.

o Chairman of the Preparatory Committee for the Literary Forum, Dr. Abdul Mawla Al-Baghdadi (2016 AD).

o Chairman of the scientific committee formed to provide advice and proposals to the Presidential Council in finding solutions to some of the problems facing Libyan society (correspondence transmitted to the University of Tripoli from the Presidential Council in particular in 2017).

o Chairman of the scientific committee formed to provide advice and proposals to the Presidential Council in finding solutions to some of the problems facing Libyan society (correspondence transmitted to the University of Tripoli from the Presidential Council in particular in 2017).

o Chairman of the preparatory committee for the workshop supervised by the Department of Postgraduate Studies at the Ministry of Education entitled (Nationalization of postgraduate studies at home) on 2/20/2021 AD.

o Chairman of the preparatory committee for the workshop supervised by the Department of Postgraduate Studies at the Ministry of Higher Education entitled (Graduate Studies A Strategic Vision) under the slogan “For Building a Distinct Knowledge Society 2030 AD” on 6/26/27/2021/Sabratha.

o Chairman of the Editorial Board of Al-Tibyan Magazine, 2011 - 2014 AD.

o Chairman of the Editorial Board of the College of Arts Journal 2013 - 2018.

o General Supervisor of the Journal of Social Sciences, 2014 - 2018

o International Organization for Migration program in cooperation with the University of Tripoli (2012-2013)

o Member of the 60th Committee of the University of Tripoli Celebration, (2017 - 2018 AD).

o Member of the Scientific Committee of the Journal of Educational Sciences issued by the Libyan Curriculum Association 2019.

o Member of the Scientific Committee for the workshop organized by the Libyan Curriculum Association and the Women’s Support and Empowerment Office at the General Authority for Culture entitled (Women’s Culture and the Corona Crisis) on 7/21/2020 AD.

o Member of the scientific committee for the workshop organized by the Libyan Society in cooperation with the Ain Zara Education Monitoring entitled (Safe return and precautionary measures for secondary school students in light of the Corona pandemic) on 6/27/2020 AD.

External Activities

o The sixteenth Arab session in the field of international humanitarian law - Beirut - February 3/14, 2014 AD.

o A course to strengthen Libyan teacher trainers and instructors, sponsored by UNICEF - Tunisia - Hammamet, February 23-28, 2016.

o Fundation English language and study skills course

o From 24 September - 14 December 2001 _ University of Newcastle

o English language summer school pre-sessional course in academic English


Journal Article

مختار محمد العماري مختار عبد القادر (11-2020)
كلية الاداب قسم الدراسات الاسلامية, 1(1), الصفحات 0-1000