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Mr. Husameddin Abukhashim

  • َQualifications: Master degree
  • Academic Rank: Lecturer
  • Department of Italian Language
  • Faculty of Arts and Languages



All since 2019



I am Professor Hossam El-Din Salem Abu Khushim, a faculty member in the Italian Language Department at the Faculty of Languages.

I work at the University of Tripoli and I am assigned to teach and conduct scientific research and supervise student research.

Academic degree: Assistant Lecturer since 03/05/2015 in the Italian Language Department.

Current academic degree: Lecturer since 06/15/2021.

A member of the Scientific Committee of the Italian Language Department.

·         Tasks assigned to be carried out in the department:

1.    Study and exams coordinator.

2.    Quality coordinator in the Italian language department.

·         The task assigned to do in the Faculty of Languages:

1.    One of the members of the committee charged with preparing a strategic plan for the development of the Faculty of Languages.


Professional career

Before joining the University of Tripoli, I worked in the field of translation in the following ministries:


Ministry of Justice


From 01.03.2007 to 01.05.2015

Affiliated entity

Judicial experience and Research Center


Italian language translator

The type of work assigned




Ministry of media


From 2009 to 2011

Affiliated entity

Political Decision Support Center (formerly Al-Madina Multimedia Center)


Italian language translator

The type of work assigned


Research Interests

Research interests

I published a research titled “A Detailed Explanation of the Present Tense” for Arabic-speaking students in the Journal of the faculty of Languages in 2019, and I am currently preparing another research in the field of linguistic sounds in terms of how they are pronounced, distinguished, and their properties.

External Activities

External activities

Over the past period, I worked as a collaborator in many Libyan universities in the field of teaching the Italian language (University of Al-Khums, Misrata, and Jfara). I also translated many historical documents and manuscripts for many Libyan and Italian researchers in the field of history, media, and illegal immigration.