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Prof. Magda AZZU

  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Professor
  • Department of Library and Information
  • Faculty of Arts and Languages



All since 2019


Professor. Dr. Magda  AZZU  is a faculty member in the Library and Information Department at the College of Arts, Tripoli.   Dr. AZZU  currently works at the University of Tripoli as a professor since 07/01/2012. She began her career at the university in the library of the College of Education as a collaborator during the years of study between 1978-1980. She continued to work as an employee after her graduation for a year and a half. She was selected and appointed as a teaching assistant in 1982 because she obtained a degree. Excellent grade, as it was ranked first among the first batch of graduates from the Library and Information Department in Libya. Thus, it can be considered first among the first batch of graduates from the Library and Information Department (the first academic department in the specialty) in Libya, and it graduated during this period until it reached the rank of general professor. 2012


2008 Head of Department of Translation at the College of Arts,2009 Head of Department of Libraries and Information, 2020 Vice Dean for Scientific Affairs of the College of Arts.2023 Vice Dean for Humanities OF THE Tripoli UNIVERSTY

Research Interests

She has more than 37 research and studies published in - Information World Magazine - Tripoli: Al-Fateh University , Faculty of Education, Department of Libraries and Information - Arab Publisher Magazine - Tripoli: Arab Publishers Union, Arab Journal of Libraries and Information - Tunisia: Arab Organization for Education, Culture and Science and the Maghreb Journal for Documentation – Higher Institute for Documentation and Information. Manouba University - Tunisia - Proceedings of a number of seminars of the Arab Federation for Libraries and Information, Proceedings of the School Libraries Symposium, Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization

External Activities

In addition to her previous assignments within the university, she has multiple contributions in providing consultations and training in the following institutions, beginning in 1982 AD, the National Institute of Administration, the Libyan Library Association, the Academy of Graduate Studies, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Education, School Activity, and the Historical Archives Center, in addition to her previous assignments within the university. It has multiple contributions in providing consultation and training in the following institutions, beginning in 1982 AD, the National Institute of Administration, the Libyan Library Association, the Academy of Graduate Studies, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Education, School Activity, the Historical Archives Center, the National Oil Corporation,... etc. ..etc


Conference paper

ماجدة حامد عبد الله عزو (1-1995)
وقائع الندوة العربية الخامسة للمعلومات التي نظمها الاتحاد العربي للمكتبات والمعلومات, الصفحات 26161-2750
ماجدة حامد عبد الله عزو (12-1997)
وزارة الثقافة ،ادارة المطالعة العمومية
ماجدة حامد عبد الله عزو (12-2009)
المؤتمر العشرون للاتحاد العربي للمكتبات والمعلومات (اعلم) بالتعاون مع وزارة الثقافة المغربية و مؤسسة الملك عبدالعزيز آل سعود للدراسات الإسلامية والعلوم الإنسانية
ماجدة حامد عبدالله عزو (1-2011)
الملتقى الثاني للتواصل بين مشرق الأمة العربية ومغربها : المحور الثالث حول: تقويم المثاقفة بين العرب والغرب بين مشرق الأمة والمغرب.
ماجدة حامد عبدالله عزو, د.المبروك معيتيق (12-2011)
لاتحاد العربي للمكتبات و المعلومات و وزارة الثقافة و زارة الكهرباء و السدود و جمعية المكتبات و المعلومات السودانية, الصفحات 110-166
ماجدة حامد عبدالله عزو (8-2008)
المؤتمر العالمي الثالث عشر مؤسسة التميمي للبحث العلمي والمعلومات للدراسات العثمانية

Journal Article

ماجدة حامد عبدالله عزو (2-1987)
اتحاد الناشرين العرب , 8(0), الصفحات 92-96
ماجدة حامد عبدالله عزو (1-1985)
اتحاد الناشرين العرب, الصفحات 153-158
ماجدة حامد عبدالله عزو (1-1983)
قسم المكتبات و المعلومات جامعة طرابلس, الصفحات 87-102
ماجدة حامد عبدالله عزو (10-1989)
اتحاد الناشرين, 15(0), الصفحات 178-181
ماجدة حامد عبدالله عزو (12-2008)
المجلة العربية للأرشيف والتوثيق والمعلومات., 23(0)
ماجدة حامد عبدالله عزو (1-1986)
مجلة الناشر العربي. , 6(0), الصفحات 136-140
ماجدة حامد عبدالله عزو, محمود علي كعبور (1-2021)
ماجدة حامد عبدالله عزو (1-1991)
اتحاد الناشرين العرب, 19(0), الصفحات 133-138
ماجدة حامد عبدالله عزو (1-2009)
دار المريخ, 1(0), الصفحات 97-120


ماجدة حامد عبدالله عزو (6-2012)