Ms. Fatima Ansser

  • َQualifications: Master degree
  • Academic Rank: Lecturer
  • Department of Sociology
  • Faculty of Arts and Languages



All since 2019


Fatima Al-Mabrouk Ansir is a member of staff at Sociology Department at the faculty of Arts, Tripoli. Ms. Fatima Ansir has been working at the University of Tripoli as an assistant lecturer since 10/27/2015. She has many scientific publications in Sociology.

Since the beginning of her work, she has been teaching the rural sociology course and the city in modern society course. She also provides academic supervision to a number of students in the department. She also supervises the graduation projects of students in the field of family sociology and social problems. She assisted many tasks in the department by working on the Study and Examinations Committee. She currently holds the position of study and examination coordinator in the department.


Current position: Faculty member at the University of Tripoli, Faculty of Arts, Department of Sociology. Obtained a BA in Sociology from the University of Tripoli, Faculty of Arts, Department of Sociology, in 2004. She obtained a postgraduate diploma, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts, University of Tripoli, in 2006. She obtained a master’s degree in sociology at the Faculty of Arts, University of Tripoli, in 2012. She holds the position of Study and Examinations Coordinator in the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts, University of Tripoli from 2019 to the present.

Research Interests

The focus of scientific interest is focused on family issues, and I am interested in researching the forms of family and marriage in Libyan society and the lifestyles resulting from them, as well as the size of the family and the nature of the relationships that bind its members, the social relationships and processes that arise within it, and those that link the family as an institution and other institutions. And the existing social systems in Libyan society. The study of the social problems of the family that accompanied the processes of industrialization and urbanization and the exit of women to work is one of the most important main areas of interest.

External Activities

I attended a number of conferences and workshops, including: Domestic violence symposium, which was held under the sponsorships of higher education in Tripoli.

 The first conference of the Faculty of Arts at the University of Tripoli in 2015

 - International Volunteer Day 2019, Department of Sociology.