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Dr. Aboajila Elbouaishi

  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Assistant Professor
  • Department of Sociology
  • Faculty of Arts and Languages



All since 2019


Abu Ajila Ammar Al-Boaishi is a faculty member in the Department of Sociology at the College of Arts, Tripoli. Mr. Abu Ajila Ammar Al-Boaishi has been working at the University of Tripoli as an assistant professor since 04/07/2016. He has many scientific publications in his field of specialization and focuses mainly in his precise scientific specialization on political sociology and anthropology.

University degree/Faculty of Social Sciences in 1993. 3. Higher degree. Master’s degree/Faculty of Social Sciences in 2000. 4. Higher degree. Doctorate, Ain Shams University, Arab Republic of Egypt, year 202. General specialty - Sociology. Specialization - Political Sociology.

Previously served as department head

He is currently the head of the department's postgraduate studies coordinator duties.


Faculty member at the College of Arts, Department of Sociology.

Academic qualification: Doctorate. Academic degree: Assistant Professor.

Date and place of birth: 1970, Souq Al-Jumaa, Tripoli.

Academic qualifications: 1 - Secondary certificate from the Green Document School in 1989 2 - University degree / College of Social Sciences in 1993 - 3 - Master’s degree / College of Social Sciences in 2000 - 4 - Doctorate degree from Ain Shams University, Arab Republic of Egypt in 2022 General specialty - Science Sociology - Specialization - Political Sociology

Research Interests

Participation in many cultural and scientific activities within Libyan universities.

 Resident member of the Scientific Committee in the Social Axis of the Libyan Universities Competition for one year

2001 until 2007

- A sterile member of the scientific committee in the social axis of the competition at Nasser International University for one year

2003 until 2007

Scientific research

1 - The problem of water shortage in the Arab world, Scientific Conference of the Maghreb University, 1997

2- Cultural Globalization, published in the College of Arts Journal in 2015

3- Economic Globalization, published in the Journal of Social Sciences in 2015

4- Civil Society in Islam, published in the Journal of Social Sciences in 2015

External Activities

Member of the Social Sciences Journal 2014-2019

-2 Member of the Libyan-Kuwaiti Friendship Society.

-3 Member of the Egyptian Arab Society for Arab Struggle in 2000

-4 Member of the Maghreb University Magazine 1997

5 - Chairman of the Career Promotions Committee at the University of Tripoli in 2002