Dr. daw Tarhoni

  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Associate Professor
  • Department of Sociology
  • Faculty of Arts and Languages



All since 2019


daw Tarhoni is one of the staff members at the department of 11 faculty of 13. He is working as a since 2016-08-11. He teaches several subjects in his major and has several puplications in the field of his interest.

University faculty member in the Department of Sociology

He was appointed as Undersecretary at the Ministry of Social Affairs on loan during the year 2014


University faculty member in the Department of Sociology

He was appointed as Undersecretary at the Ministry of Social Affairs on loan during the year 2014

Director of the Department of Faculty Affairs at the University of Tripoli

Research Interests

Fields of sociology, philosophy and issues

The Libyan personality from a social perspective

Social values.


Social modernization

Cultural globalization issues

Social research methods

External Activities

In addition to his work as a researcher and lecturer at the university, the researcher has many research and scientific activities at the regional and national levels.


Journal Article

ضو خليفة الترهونى (8-2023)
مجلة الاستاذ نقابة أعضاء هيئة التدريس جامعة طرابلس, 24(2023), الصفحات 9-23
ضو خليفة الارهونى (12-2022)
مجلة الاعلام والفنون- الأكاديمية الليبية جنزور , 11(0), الصفحات 90-107
ضو خليفة الترهونى (1-2021)
مجلة كلية الآداب - جامعة مصراتة , 35(0), الصفحات 67-83
ضو خليفة الترهونى (12-2022)
مجلة جامعة بني وليد للعلوم الإنسانية والتطبيقية, 25(0), الصفحات 17-23
ضو خليفة الترهونى (1-2022)
جامعة طرابلس, 1(2)


ضو خليفة الترهونى (1-2023)
دار النهضة العربية , 1(2000), الصفحات 1-99


بسمة محمد خليفة دورو, خالد الهادي عبدالسلام الرفاعي, عبدالكريم امحمد احمد احتاش, محمد عبدالسلام محمد القريو , محمود احمد امحمد الديك, ضو خليفة محمد الترهوني, (1-2017)
جامعة طرابلس