Prof. Moktar Elzugdani

  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Professor
  • Department of Sociology
  • Faculty of Arts and Languages



All since 2019


Moktar Elzugdani is one of the staff members at the department of 11 faculty of 13. He is working as a since 2009-05-23. He teaches several subjects in his major and has several puplications in the field of his interest.

Professor of Sociology at the Faculty of Arts, Tripoli. He holds a Doctor of Philosophy degree in sociology, with a specific specialty: industrial sociology. The primary teaching field is social research methods and data analysis, including the bachelor’s program, master’s program, and doctorate. He evaluated, discussed, and supervised many master’s theses and doctoral theses in the field of sociology.


Postgraduate Studies Coordinator, Department of Sociology, College of Arts and Sciences, Tarhuna, Al-Marqab University. 2002.

· Postgraduate Studies Coordinator, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts, Al-Fateh University, 2004.

· Member of the committee formed at the College of Arts to re-examine educational subjects, courses, and curricula. 2003.

· Member of the committee for evaluating the scientific production of professors participating in seminars and scientific research abroad. College of Arts. 2009.

Member of the Managing Council of the College of Arts.2,090. 2011.

Head of the Department of Sociology.04. 10. 2011.

General coordinator of courses in the Department of Sociology. 2012.

Coordinator of the educational program in the Department of Sociology. 2012.

Director of the Department of Studies and Research at the Center for Social Studies 2014.

Postgraduate Studies Coordinator in the Department of Sociology 2016.

Research Interests

Area of applied interest: research methods, data analysis, development and population issues.

Scientific activity:

First: published research

· Industrialization movement and society. Industrialization movement and society.

· The Khaldoun trend and the historical emergence of the science of human urbanism.

· The social change movement and its impact on the functional role of trade union organization in the factory community (field study).

· Theoretical frameworks for studying union organization in industry (theoretical approaches).

· Theoretical frameworks for studying union organization in industry (ideological trends).

· Traditional industry in Libya, past, present, and future. With special reference to Tarhuna, socio-anthropological research (field study).

· The phenomenon of Al-Hadhi University students’ absence from lectures, causes and results (field study)

· The development of industry in Libya from the traditional style to the modern style.

· The Industrial Revolution and the beginning of the industrialization era.

· A reading of James Brown’s book, Social Psychology in Industrial Civilization, and Human Relations in the Factory. (Book Review).

· Reading a research by Professor Yassin Ali Al-Kabeer on “Urbanization and social change in the family in the city of Tripoli” (presentation and analysis).

· Obstacles to development in light of the crisis of social backwardness (a social perspective).

· Alternative strategy for confronting development obstacles in backward society.

· The phenomenon of smoking: its causes and methods of treatment.

· Demonstrating cultural backwardness in developing societies.

· Industry and environmental pollution.

· Quantitative characteristics of divorce in Libyan society.

· Marriage in light of the Libyan Personal Status Law, with special reference to its quantitative indicators.

· Development and corruption in light of the deterioration of values, “social analysis.”

· Poverty and human development in Libya.

· Women and education in Libya.

· Ibn Khaldun... Environment and Society.

· Quantitative characteristics of marriage and divorce in Libya.

· The expected social effects of privatization on individuals working in industry. A field study of some privatized industrial establishments. (Summary of results of integrated research).

· Social effects of the political crisis in Libya (2011-2012) (unpublished)

· Developmental transformations in Libya and the labor market: a study of indicators of the reality of expatriate workers. (Submitted for publication)

· Secondary data analysis method: “An applied model for variables affecting fertility” (a project in progress)

Second: Written books:

· Stages of social research and its procedural steps.

· Foundations of data analysis in sociology.

· The social and economic effects of the industrialization movement: a field study in industrial sociology (submitted for publication).

Third: Completed scientific projects:

· Organizational alienation in the factory community: A field study of the features of alienation in some industrial establishments in Libya.

· The expected social effects of privatization on individuals working in industry. A field study of some privatized industrial establishments.

· The relationship between variables and their role in data analysis: “Research into methods of graphical representation of variables using Excel.”

Fourth: Future projects:

• A book project on industry and environmental pollution. Research in environmental sociology.

• A book project about religion and society. Basic issues in the sociology of religion.

• A book project under construction on issues of industrial sociology.

• A proposal for a theoretical study project on the history of development in Libya.

• A book in progress, Social Statistics: Methods of applying statistical transactions in sociological research.

· Social statistics (methods of applying statistical transactions in sociology). (Postgraduate studies).

In addition to teaching in the Graduate Studies Division, and supervising many master’s and doctoral theses, in addition to joint supervision of the doctoral degree with some Arab universities. Participation in scientific activities and seminars. As well as research, studies and consultations related to public and specific public bodies, specialized research bodies and centers.

External Activities

Member of the research team to study crime indicators in Libyan society 2004. National Authority for Information and Documentation. Tripoli

· Team leader of a study conducted on the functional performance of university education (at Al-Fateh University), Research Center, Garyounis University. 2006-2007 AD

· Workshop on “Illegal Immigration. Academy of Graduate Studies, Applied Research Center, Tripoli, 20-21. April 2008.

· Conference on problems of marriage and divorce in Libyan society, participant and member of the preparatory committee.21. 23. 4. 2009 Tripoli, Academy of Graduate Studies, Janzour. Tripoli.

· A workshop on improving quality and developing quality assurance and accreditation mechanisms in higher education institutions, Tripoli, 01/09/2012.

· A training course prepared by the National Committee for Education, Culture and Science during the period from October 17-21, 2010. “Collecting and processing statistical data in the field of education. A lecture on: Types of statistical observations and methods of representing them with graphs.”

· Workshop: Arab Sociological Association on: Discussing the basic development report for the year 2009. Tripoli.10. 05. 2010.

· A workshop on: The Arab Human Development Report for the year 2009. During the period 09-10. 2010. Arab Sociological Association, Libya Branch.

· A workshop on: The National Human Development Report 2002. The National Authority for Information and Documentation in cooperation with the Academy of Graduate Studies, the Economic Research Center, the Arab Sociological Association, Libya branch, and the United Nations Development Program 04/04/2004.

· A lecture on “The role of civil society institutions in overcoming youth problems, and how to draw up plans, programs and mechanisms to deal with them in the future.” A rhyming activity organized by the Ajyal Foundation for Development and Human Rights at the University of Tripoli during the period 10-12.06.2012.

· A qualification course for researchers at the Social Studies Center on the foundations of social research methods and data analysis. Tripoli. During the period (14-18, 2012).

· Participated in the activities of: The First National Forum for Planning and Development Experts, December 30, 2012, under the auspices and supervision of the General National Conference.

· Head of the team preparing the project “Population Policies in Libya. Economic Planning Council”, Tripoli, August 2013.

· Participating member of the Center for Social Studies in the work of the Kufra Crisis Committee, Tripoli. 2014.

· Member of a specialized work team “to classify and analyze data from the Comprehensive Social and Economic Survey of Libyan Households for the year 2009.” Ministry of Social Affairs. Center for Social Studies 2013.

· Participation in a panel discussion on: The final report of the draft national strategy for the Libyan labor market.09.09. 2013. General National Congress. National Planning Council

· Head of the team preparing the project “Population Policies in Libya. Economic Planning Council”, Tripoli, August 2013.

· Head of the study team conducted on “Study of fertility trends in the Libyan family (field study), Economic Development Council, Tripoli, 2012.

· Head of the study team conducted on “The social, economic, security and health impacts of expatriate workers: a case study of illegal immigration in Libya. 2013.

· Associate member. In the program of the celebration of World Development Media Day: Launching the zero edition of the population bulletin. National Council for Economic and Social Development. Office of Population Studies and Policies. Tripoli, October 25, 2015.

· Member of the work team supervising the population bulletin. National Council for Social and Economic Development. Office of Population Studies and Policies. 2015.

· Economic and Social Development Council: A workshop on the state of the “basic and intermediate” education sector in the municipalities based on the results of a comprehensive survey of educational institutions in the municipalities for the year 2016. The education sector in the municipality of Tripoli, “Announcing the initial results of the economic, social, health, and environmental survey of educational institutions.” Tripoli, August. 2016.

· Preparing a proposal for a study project on “Indicators of Corruption in Libya” submitted to the National Anti-Corruption Authority. Tripoli, April 2016.

· A report submitted to the Center for Social Studies at the Ministry of Social Affairs on: Quantitative demographic characteristics of the population of Kufra: June 2013.

· Member of the committee supervising the evaluation of the research submitted for the symposium that was conducted on: Youth issues in the Arab Maghreb, sponsored by the Arab Maghreb Union and the Maghreb Agency for Youth Activities. Tripoli, January 2013.

· Symposium on: Supporting self-development projects as a basis for spatial development in Libya, supervised by the Minister of Social Affairs and Local Government, 12-21, 2014.

· Member of the expert committee team on the reality of youth in Libyan society, in cooperation with the Economic and Social Development Council, the Ministry of Planning, the United Nations Population Fund, and the Libya Office, 2016.

· Member of the research team to study Law No. 59 of 2012 at the Economic and Social Development Council, Tripoli, 2019.

· A workshop on the reality of youth in Libya, “Supporting youth and empowering them economically and socially,” Tunisia, during the period from 03-04, 2016 AD in Tunisia, UNFPA.

· Member of the Scientific Committee of the First Annual Conference of the Libyan Sociological Association “The Social Fabric in Libyan Society: Risks and Challenges”. During the period 10-11 March 2019. Libyan Academy for Postgraduate Studies. Tripoli.

· Member of the team preparing the fifth national report on human development in Libya 2018, “Development Challenges in Libya,” General Authority for Information, Tripoli.

· Participation in two panel discussion activities on: The Fifth National Human Development Report “Development Challenges in Libya 2018”. General Information Authority 12/15/2020


Conference paper

المختار محمد إبراهيم الزغداني (3-2004)
دار الفكر العربي