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Ms. Mawwada Alweefati

  • َQualifications: Master degree
  • Academic Rank: Assistant Lecturer
  • Department of Spanish Language
  • Faculty of Arts and Languages



All since 2019


Mawada Omaro Alwefati. A permanent faculty member in the Spanish Language Department since the academic year 2021. Obtained a master’s degree in the field of teaching Spanish as a foreign language from the University of Oviedo / Spain in 2020.  charged with teaching specialized subjects related to written and oral expression, in addition to literary subjects. . Quality Coordinator in the Department since 2022 and responsible for Cultural Activities in the Spanish Language Department.


  • 2022 to present: Quality Coordinator, Department of Spanish Language. College of languages. Tripoli University.
  • 2021 to present: Faculty Member, Department of Spanish Language. College of languages. Tripoli University.

Research Interests

  • Studying modern methodologies that are specialized in teaching Spanish as a foreign language.
  • Developing the teaching materials.
  • Applying new and modern educational methods in the Spanish language department.

External Activities

  • Interpreter from Spanish language to Arabic language and the opposite.
  • Spanish language professor at the Spanish Cultural Center for Language Teaching. Libya since 2018
