• َQualifications: Master degree
  • Academic Rank: Lecturer
  • Department of Financial planning
  • Faculty of Economy and Political Sciences



All since 2020


MOHAMED SHAMLI is one of the staff members at the department of 5 faculty of 10. He is working as a since 2012-12-15. He teaches several subjects in his major and has several puplications in the field of his interest. He has also been assigned to teach many academic courses, including teaching principles of planning, financial planning, cost-benefit analysis, project planning, and project planning and evaluation. And other courses related to the specialization, in addition to working on preparing and reviewing transcripts and statements of graduate students in the bachelor’s degree. He is currently the department's research, consulting and training coordinator.


Mr. Muhammad Al-Shamli was promoted to the position of a faculty member in the Department of Financial Planning, Faculty of Economics and Political Science, District (B), University of Tripoli, at the rank of Assistant Lecturer from 12/15/2012, then at the rank of Lecturer from 6/12/2020. He is currently working to obtain the rank of Professor. assistant

Research Interests

Research interests are in the field of specialization, such as financial planning and financial analysis. He is also interested in supervising and discussing graduation projects and has many published researches.

External Activities

He also previously worked at the General Electricity Company for a short period, then moved to work at the Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences as a faculty member after obtaining a master’s degree. He also had the opportunity to cooperate in the Faculty of Economics in the city of Al-Ajailat, as well as to cooperate in the Higher Institute in Souk Al-Khamis, Amshel. In addition to supervising and discussing graduation projects.


Journal Article

محمد فتح الله محمد الشاملي, خليفة مصباح خليفة الورفلي, ايمان علي عمر الثلوثي (12-2019)
مجلة الاكاديمية للعلوم الانسانية و الاجتماعية , 17(0), الصفحات 90-118