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Dr. Anwr Elbasir

  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Assistant Professor
  • Department of Financial planning
  • Faculty of Economy and Political Sciences



All since 2020


Dr.. Anwr Elbasir is a faculty member in the Financial Planning Department - Faculty of Economics and Political Science - University of Tripoli. He is assigned to teach several courses for the bachelor’s level (principles of planning, public finance planning, investment planning). In addition to being assigned to teach a number of courses for the postgraduate level (studies in planning, investment planning, SMEs planning).


  • Professor Assistant since 6/2021
  • Coordinator of postgraduate committee 2022
  • Lecturer from 2/2010 to 6/2021
  • Researcher at Business School - Huddersfield - the Uk. 2013-2017
  •  Head of Financial Planning 2010-2011
  • Lecturer Assistant 2008-2010

Research Interests

Dr. Elbasir has many research interests such as:

  • Higher Education Funding 
  • Planning of Small and Medium Enterprises
  • Planning of Investment
  • Planning of Public Finances
  • Research Methods

External Activities

Dr. Elbasir has joined a legal accounting and auditing office for training until he obtained the status of a certified accountant and auditor and became a member of the General Union of Accountants and Certified Auditors in Libya.


Conference paper

سعيد يوسف احمد خيري, رجب امحمد منصور الورفلي, أنور عبدالكريم الزرقاني البصير (4-2011)
المعهد القومي للتخطيط

Journal Article

Anwr Elbasir, Kalim SIDDIQUI (6-2018)
Journal of Social and Administrative Sciences, 2(5), pp. 115-16
Anwr Elbasir, Alamary Salh Shenshne (11-2020)
SSRG International Journal of Economics and Management Studies, 7(11), pp. 8-0
أسامة البشير أشتيوي, أنور عبدالكريم الزرقاني البصير (9-2023)
المجلة الإفريقية للدراسات المتقدمة في العلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية, 2(3133)
عمر مفتاح الساعدي, أنور عبدالكريم الزرقاني البصير (6-2020)
مجلة نور للدراسات الاقتصادية , 10(6), الصفحات 419-429
عمر مفتاح الساعدي, أنور عبدالكريم الزرقاني البصير (1-2013)
مجلة الدراسات الاجتماعية
طارق الهادى صالح العربى, أنور عبدالكريم الزرقاني البصير (12-2011)
مجلة كلية علوم التربية البدنية والرياضة, 16(0)
عمر الساعدي , أنور عبدالكريم الزرقاني البصير (12-2020)
المجلة الجزائرية للاقتصاد والمالية, 3(7)