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Dr. Mohamed Ahmed

  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Assistant Professor
  • Department of Statistics and Econometrics
  • faculty of Economy



All since 2019


1-from Spring 2022 -2023

full time lecturer faculty of economics and political science university of Tripoli 

2- from 2023-till now

Assistant professor - faculty of economics and political science university of Tripoli 

3- from 2007-2010 

* A Full time lecturer assistant  at 

- Faculty of Economics university of Zytona.

*A part time lecturer assistant  at

-faculty of economics and political science university of Tripoli

- faculty of Economics university of Zawea 

 - faculty of Accounting university of Gherean


- Principle of Economics 

- Economic Theory (Micro and Macro economics)

- Quantitative analysis and Economic Modelling

- principle of statistic

Research Interests

Special Research and  Studies 

during my academic career I published a number of scientific papers including: 

1- the impact of trade openness on the inflation rates in the Libyan economy

2-Evaluting financial sustainability of the Libyan economy

3- the impact of exchange rate on the balance of payments .

I also supervised some of students graduation projects

in addition I actively  participate in the department social activities 

External Activities

I worked as a cooperative lecturer in several colleges, including Al-Zawiya University, and supervised several graduation projects at Al-Zaytouna University


Journal Article

محمد الصيد احميد احميد (5-2023)
مجلة فكر وثرات, الصفحات 204-229
د محمد الصيد احميد احميد, د عبدالرحمن علي صالح محفوظ (9-2022)
نقابة أعضاء هيئة التدريس بجامعة طرابلس, 22(0), الصفحات 59-87