Dr. abdualatif HSIN

  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Lecturer
  • Department of Islamic Studies
  • Faculty of Education Bin Ghesheer



All since 2019


One of the faculty members at the University of Tripoli, Faculty of Education, Qasr Bin Ghashir / Department of Islamic Studies, with the rank of lecturer, charged with teaching many academic courses in the department and also academically supervising students in the department. She also supervised many graduation projects.


A teacher in official Libyan schools, as well as a Qur’an teacher affiliated with the Ministry of Endowments, with oratory, imamate, and teaching in some universities in Tripoli, Libya, within the scope of Sharia sciences.

Research Interests

Sharia sciences, including jurisprudence, hadith, interpretation, and relevant jurisprudential and scientific developments

External Activities

Writing in Al-Raya newspaper in Tripoli, as well as activities inside mosques within the city of Tripoli related to Sharia sciences and teaching the Qur’an.


PhD Thesis

عبداللطيف محمد أحمد حسين (12-2022)
كلية الآداب ، شعبة الدراسات الإسلامية بجامعة مكناس بالمملكة المغربية