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  • َQualifications: Master degree
  • Academic Rank: Assistant Lecturer
  • Department of Biology
  • faculty of Education Tripoli



All since 2019


I have worked to Biology Department  Education  College at university  of Tripoli as Education Collaborator  in the Spring and autumn 2021, teaching beginning in Spring 2022 with the degree of Assistant Lecturer, teaching courses in Microbiology, Plant Pathology, Ecology, and Microbiology. In addition to the teaching assignment, I work as the Information and Documentation Coordinator in the Biology Department. In addition to following up students in the education course, the practical supervision of graduation research


And also, I was working as Cooperation in the practical training of general biology for medical preparatory students at the College of Human Medicine and the College of Pharmacy and Medical Technology , working as a collaborator in study and exams at the College of Medical Technology (1999-2007), supervisor of the production laboratory at Al-Razi School (2004-2007), working as a research assistant at the College of Medical Technology, Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care. During the period( 2008_2021), and as a teaching assistant in the Biology Department, spring and fall 2021, a faculty member from 2022 to now at the College of Education, Biology Department.

Research Interests

Interest in the research field in microbiology departments

External Activities

I work as a lecturer for preparatory students for medical faculties at the University of Tripoli