Ms. Magfera Wali

  • َQualifications: Master degree
  • Academic Rank: Assistant Lecturer
  • Department of Biology
  • faculty of Education Tripoli



All since 2019


I am a faculty member who took on these tasks in the Biology Department, Faculty of Education, Tripoli, including a theoretical and practical invertebrate biology course, as well as theoretical and practical comparative anatomy, and also supervising practical education in some schools. These tasks also include supervising graduation projects within the department and discussing some other projects, academic supervision of female students, and further conducting many researches to publish later, and also to view more tasks within the college as well as within the biology department and social services that benefit both the college and the department.


I was previously a teaching assistant in the Biology Department from 2016 to 2023, and in my first year of appointment I worked in practical lectures for the Invertebrates course for a full year, after which I applied to study internally in the College of Science / Department of Zoology, and took a full-time study, completed my studies and then returned to take up the tasks as a faculty member, including two courses: Invertebrates and Comparative Anatomy, as well as practical education and graduation projects.

Research Interests

Research interests within marine sciences, as well as invertebrate science, and we seek to publish many of these researches within these fields.

External Activities

There are no external activities yet, in the future there will be many activities.