Prof. ali almabrok

  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Professor
  • Department of Aeronautical Engineering
  • Faculty of Engineering



All since 2019


ali almabrok is one of the staff members at the department of 10 faculty of 2. He is working as a since 2008-04-20. He teaches several subjects in his major and has several puplications in the field of his interest.

Academic qualifications

1. Bachelor's degree in the Faculty of Engineering, Department of Aeronautical Engineering, University of 'Tripoli', with a grade of excellent (1982/1983).

2. Master's degree, University of Tripoli, with an overall grade of excellent.

3. Ph.D., University of Manchester, UK (Wind Energy Technology) 1995. In record time

4. Obtained the highest cumulative grade point average for the postgraduate program.

5. The first to lay the scientific foundations for a new scientific approach in the field of wind energy, with the testimony of Dr. David Sharp (United Kingdom), who is considered the first expert in the field of renewable energy.

6. Designing a new device that reduces general gas emissions from cars. The research was published in the State of Bahrain and published in the Scientific Journal of Science Universities in the Arab World.

7. Member of the International Satellite Organization SSPI.


Academic experiences

1. From 1996 to now, Professor, Department of Aeronautical Engineering, University of Tripoli.

2. From 2008 to now, Professor's degree.

3. From 1992 to 1995, a PhD student at the University of Manchester, UK.

4. From 1989 to 1992, Lecturer at the Department of Aeronautical Engineering, University of Tripoli

5. From 1985 to 1989, Teaching Assistant, Department of Aeronautical Engineering, University of Tripoli.

6. From 1983 to 1985, a maintenance engineer at the Aviation Club, Tripoli.

Research Interests

Scientific expertise

· I taught a range of subjects in the field of specialization such as aerodynamics - numerical analysis methods - gas dynamics - fluid mechanics - introduction to aviation - advanced sports - wind energy - general dynamics - space science systems.

Cooperation in teaching some subjects in the following colleges:

1. The Academy of Postgraduate Studies, Janzour.

2. College of Engineering, Tajoura.

Supervised many graduation projects at the bachelor's level in the Department of Aeronautical Engineering.

Supervised more than 35 master's theses in the Department of Aeronautical Engineering, University of Tripoli and the Academy of Graduate Studies, Janzour.

· I evaluated and discussed graduation projects for the bachelor's and master's degrees in the Department of Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering at the University of Tripoli and the Academy of Graduate Studies, Janzour.

Participated in several evaluation committees for the purpose of academic promotion.

· I corrected some scientific books, including the Fluid Mechanics book by Fox.

Cooperated with the University of Malaysia and the University of Newcastle in the field of heat pipes.

Evaluation of scientific papers in international conferences (America - Turkey).

External Activities

1. The Scientific Conference, Bangkok 2003, in a scientific paper entitled (To Evaluate the Performance of Svanios Roundabout).

2. Scientific paper, Scientific Conference on Wind Energy, Libya 2003.

3. The scientific conference (Wind is a clean source of energy), Libya, 2003.

4. The International Scientific Conference, Bahrain 2004 F (Designing a heat pipe that works to reduce the gases emitted from car exhausts).

5. Energy Conference, Mansoura University, Egypt 2004 (Evaluating the performance of the Darius Savnios Combined Turbine).

6. Scientific research in the field of wind turbine technology.

7. The International Conference on Aeronautics (Kinematic Characteristics of Air-to-Air Missiles) Al-Fateh University, College of Engineering, 2007.

8. International Conference on Energy (technology of a new style of performance by Darius Savnius), Monaco, France.

9. Evaluation of the performance of vertical axis turbines in practice France-Monco 2008.

10. Design and performance evaluation of a wind turbine for the Tripoli region, Glasgow, Scotland 2008 conference.

11. Amendment of some engineering books, including the fluid mechanics book by Fox (American).