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Dr. Esam Hamza

  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Assistant Professor
  • Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
  • Faculty of Engineering



All since 2019


Dr. Esam Mohamed Hamza graduated from Tripoli University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering in 2000, obtained his master's degree in 2008 from the same department, received his PhD Degree in the field of Mechanical Power Engineering from University of Huddersfield, England, UK, in 2019. Dr. Esam joined the faculty of Engineering, University of Tripoli in 2021 as an Assistant Professor at the mechanical engineering department, having previously been working for the Libyan Authority for Scientific Research in his capacity as a General Manager of the advanced welding center and he represented the state of Libya at the International Institute of Welding. His research interests are in the fields of, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Thermal systems, Renewable Energy Systems and Heat and Material flow in Welding.


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