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Prof. Nabile Hassine

  • َQualifications: Doctor of Philosophy
  • Academic Rank: Professor
  • Department of Material Engineering
  • Faculty of Engineering



All since 2020


Nabile Hassine is a full - time member of staff at the Department of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering since October 1995. The undergraduate B. Sc. degree courses taught by Dr. Nabile included; Introduction to Materials Science, Ceramics I and II, Electromagnetic and Optical Properties of Materials, and the elective course Introduction to Nanomaterials. In addition, Dr. Nabile initiated, developed, and supervised many final year B. Sc. projects on production and processing  of nano - ceramic materials and nano - ceramic - polymer composites.  Dr. Nabile took part in teaching M. Sc. students through the course; Physical Properties of Ceramics.  He also successfully supervised two M. Sc. projects; the first was on the influence of nano - sized powder content on the properties of prepared waste refractory brick, and the second project involved investigating the I - V electrical characteristics of sintered zinc oxide. 


Dr. Nabile is at the present time the departmental coordinator of the Higher Studies M. Sc. programme.  

Research Interests

The main research interests of Dr. Nabile include the shaping, processing, and characterization  of nano- ceramic materials, nano- ceramic - polymer composites and solar cell materials. 

External Activities

Since the year 2017, Dr. Nabile has been a member of the Scientific Committee responsible for assessing papers submitted to the Engineering Conference organized by the City of Azzawia Syndicate and which is held every two years. He is also a regular reviewer of scientific papers intended for the promotion of University staff members and for publication in Journals and Periodicals in the field of science and engineering of ceramic materials.